Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What am I now!?

I've decided that I am going to stop worrying about what this blog should be, and just go back to my roots. I'm going to write about my family, my daughter, my adventures (and misadventures) in crafting, my Journey Barefoot, and try to share some awesome photos.
That's all I can do, and it's all I want to do. I want to go back to sharing my stuff.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Blog.... behind.

Wow, I'm so behind in updating my blog it isn't even funny.

Truth be told, there are few reasons:
1) Time. I haven't had much of it, so when I DO have it, I'm not spending it writing my blog. Which is kind of sad.
2) I go through cycles of things I like to work on. Sometimes its my knitting (which it is right now), sometimes it's making pendants, sometimes it's beading/making jewelry. Blogging has not been in the cycle as of late.
3) I haven't really felt like it. I'm sort of struggling with motivation in several areas - this, and my Barefoot Books business being the other.

Now, don't get me wrong. I still love my blog, my readers, my Barefoot Books, and all of my other hobbies. I guess it's the feeling of not being particularly good at any of them. The problem I find with my blog is that I can't seem to pick a direction to go with it. One minute it's a personal blog, one minute it's a business website, one minute it's a parenting blog... I feel like my blog has Disassociative Identity Disorder. These are all things that are important to me, but I don't want to write 18 different blogs just to cover them all.

So, I guess what I'm saying is... bear with me until I can settle on a direction. Again.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Many new beginnings

We have been so busy here lately! Today we were lucky enough to celebrate the wedding of John's friend Chris and his new wife Kim (or as one of our friend says it - Kis and Chrim) today. The ceremony was beautiful, so touching, and very personal to the couple. Not to mention, the reception was a LOT of fun! As evidenced by
I really want to stay up and post more, but I'm so sleepy!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Five summer getaways every kid should experience

Summer is a great time in the life of a kid. I mean, come on, no school, nice weather with which to do fun things with friends, an a chance to live what some would call the epitome of childhood!

So, how do you help your kids stay busy all summer? Social Moms and Alamo asked that question recently, and it got me thinking. There are some great opportunities available to kids, and these are the ones I think are the most worth looking into.

1. Send your kid to summer camp. There are so many things to be learned at summer camp, whether it's a day program or an overnight camp! Many town recreation departments offer camps at affordable rates to town citizens. Or, maybe your child is a Girl Scout and could go to Girl Scout Camp. Children learn so much about themselves when they have chances to do things that are out of the realm of "normal" for them. Outdoor activities such as hiking, rock climbing or swimming can teach new skills and a sense of accomplishment. When I was young, I looked forward to summer camp every year. Now, as a mom, I can't wait for my daughter to be old enough to start going to the same camp I spent so many summers at!

2. Take a family vacation. Now, now, before your kids start groaning, there are some fun trips that can be done with kids that are also educational. Some great ideas are: Washington, DC, campgrounds, dude ranches, and adventure trips. The thing I like best about visiting DC (aside from the fact that DC is our family destination this year) is that there is so much to do that is FREE to get into, like the Smithsonian museums or the National Zoo. But a dude ranch can be a lot of fun too, and many of these offer things other than just horseback riding, such as spas and pools.

3. Visit Niagara Falls. Whether you spend time on the US or Canadian side, there is so much to see there, besides just looking at some giant waterfalls. You can check out the Maid of the Mist, or Journey Behind the Falls if you really want to get wet! You can also check out the Butterfly Conservatory, or follow the Heratige Trail, where you can explore the historic sites of Niagara, learn about the War of 1812 and more!

4. Spend a day at the ocean, at least. This one can be hard, especially for people who live in the mid west, in the totally landlocked states, like Oklahoma. But the trip to the ocean is so worth it. My personal favorite is Ogunquit, Maine, if you like something touristy, or York, Maine if you want something a little more low key. You just can't relax at the beach like you can anywhere else, and it's such a unique place for kids to play and explore. It's amazing the things one can find in a tidepool!

5. Spend time with extended family. Give your kids the chance to spend some quality downtime with relatives they don't see on a regular basis. It's a wonderful chance for them to bond with their family, and learn a little more about their legacy. It gives your family a chance to know more about your kids, what they like and don't like, what their favorite subject in school is, and who their best friends are. Kids can form strong relationships with their families in such a short amount of time, so even if they protest, it's well worth the time.

These are just a few of the thoughts I had about great getaways for kids in the summer. I'd love to hear what some of your thoughts are! Leave me a comment and let me know!

I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Alamo blogging program, for a gift card worth $25. For more information on how you can participate, click here.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

KIN 2m Ringtone settings

Okay, this post is so typically not like me, but I was so frustrated with not being able to come up with a consise method of HOW to make a new ringtone for my KIN 2m, that I decided that I'd post it, and if I could help one person, then I'll feel better.

It's so simple!

All you have to do is use an mp3 of the song you want to have as your ringtone. I suggest finding a way to shorten a piece of it down to no longer than 30 seconds. There are some good software choices, available free of charge, to do that. Just do a search online and you're bound to come up with something

Then, send yourself an MMS message. If you're like me, you're probably going "What the heck does that mean?!" Well, for me, I'm on Verizon, so it means I need to e-mail my phone. Yes, my phone has it's own e-mail address. Pretty awesome, no? So, to send an MMS message to my cell phone, I e-mail my 10-digit phone number @vzwpix.com, and it comes through like a text message. I've been trying to look up information for AT&T users, but haven't had any luck, so if anyone knows how to MMS an AT&T phone, please let me know!

So I type in the address, just like I was sending any other email:
TO: 1234567890@vzwpix.com
Then, I attach the mp3 file I want to use for a ring tone.

When the e-mail comes through on my phone, there are two options: SET RINGTONE or SAVE.

If you want the ringtone to be set for any incoming calls, then hit SET RINGTONE. If you want it to be for anything else, select SAVE. The phone already knows where to put it, and it will be under the "Melodies" section of your ring tone screen. From there, set it just like you would for any other ringtone/alert!

Pretty simple, right? I was thrilled to find out how easy it was. If anyone has instructions for how to MMS an AT&T KIN phone, please let me know so I can add it here!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Journey Barefoot

Do you Journey Barefoot?

I know not that long ago I posted saying I was getting started with Bamboo Pink. Well.... not so much. I wasn't crazy about the jewelry once the pictures started coming out, so it was hard for me to get excited about something I didn't really like.

But this... THIS I can be excited about!

I've signed on with Barefoot Books, and if you're not familiar with them, then you NEED to check out my website, especially if you're a parent. Barefoot Books sells a collection of beautiful childrens gifts, toys and books! My daughter loves to read, so I thought this would be a great way to keep her engaged, while also getting her to think about the world around her. Many of Barefoot's books are written with the world in mind, so they are often available in different languages, about different places, animals, and so on.

They invigorate the imagination with their illustrations and stories. My daughters favorite is I Took The Moon For A Walk. The first time we read it, she talked about that book for DAYS. It was amazing to see a book take such a hold on her!

So, consider this an open invitation for you to come visit my website, and see what Barefoot Books can offer you!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Free Entrance Days in the US National Parks

Mark your calendar for these fee-free days in 2011:
  • January 15-17
    (Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday weekend)
  • April 16-24
    (National Park Week)
  • June 21
    (First day of summer)
  • September 24
    (Public Lands Day)
  • November 11-13
    (Veterans Day weekend)
Fee-free days at more than 100 national parks.
Here’s a tip – many of your 394 national parks NEVER charge an entrance fee. So start Planning Your Visit!