Saturday, February 26, 2005

Stuff and stuff

I love Saturdays! I swear, Saturday has to be the most perfect day of the week! I don't have to get up early, I don't have to go anywhere, don't have to worry about classes or work or internships... it's just a wonderful day! It's nice to have a day in the week where you don't have to do anything at all. I spent a good chunk of the morning in my pj's and in bed, then I went to the gym to get buff, then John and I went to his house and I typed up part of a paper for my seminar.
School is going well so far this semester. I haven't had much of anything to get graded on yet. I had to write a learning contract for my internship and field seminar. I got a 93 on that. I had a quiz in my human behavior class. That didn't go so well, but oh well. I had a presentation for that class too, and hopefully I did well enough on it to pull the grade up a bit. I'll just have to study much harder for the next one. I need to do well in my classes this semester! It's amazing how concerned I am with my grades now. Did I tell you all that I made the deans list last semester? That's never happened before! EVER! I'm GOING to do well though. I've been working really hard this semester too.
I love my internship too. I love getting to go there. I'm starting to feel like I know whats going on, so that's good. I just started writing an agency analysis for my seminar, and that has actually been kind of fun, because it has allowed me to learn so much about my agency, and talk to people I haven't gotten to talk to much there.
I'm kind of sick of my actual job though. It pays well and all, but I'm so sick of the job! Not much I can do about that though. I keep telling myself that it's only until August, then I can officially start with the state.
I joined Planet Fitness this week. I've gone every day since Tuesday, so that's been fun. I forgot how much I enjoy going to the gym. It would be nice if there were someone there that I knew, or that would go with me, but I kind of like being able to work out at my own pace too. I get up and go before work in the morning, I'm usually there around 6am or so. I've been doing both cardio and weight training. It's helped me feel quite a bit better about myself.
But, things over all are going pretty well. The wedding plans are coming along, so thats fun. We're working on the photographer and florist still, but we're making headway on both. I just can't wait until August!

Monday, February 14, 2005

Valentines Day

You know, it's strange what being an a really, really good relationship can do to one's opinion about Valentine's day. I started off the whole "Valentine's Season" by telling John that I think it's a pointless holiday, blah blah blah, and now that it's here, I kind of like it a lot! John and I celebrated Valentine's last night, because I have to work all day then have class tonight. We made a romantic candlelight dinner last night, then just spent the night being a couple... it was so nice!
I wish we could have the day together today too, but unfortunately that doesn't work out so well. Next year at this time though, we'll be able to see each other on Valentine's day!
Anyway, I need to finish getting ready for work - I'm running so behind this morning!

Tuesday, February 8, 2005

Ready to graduate

Oh my goodness, things are so busy!!! My semester is going pretty well, but I'm just so tired of having to be on the go all the time. It seems like no matter where I am, I'm getting ready to go somewhere else. I'm also tired of being broke! My classes are more or less interesting, which is nice. I'm taking SW 623 (Practice II), SW 551 (Human Development II), SW 640 and 640 A (Internship and Seminar). My days look kind of like this: Monday - Work 8-5, class from 6-9. Tuesday - Work from 8-10, Class from 11-12:30, Work from 1-5. Wednesdays - Seminar from 8:40-either 10 or 11 depending on if I have supervision that week, internship from 12-4:30. Thursday - Work from 8-10, class from 11-12:30, internship from 1-4:30, RCIA from 7-9. Friday - intern all day. By the time I get home at night, I'm exhausted. But, it makes the weekends that much nicer when they come. But when I say that I'm ready to graduate, I mean that it'll be great to be able to come home from work, not have to do homework, and be involved in other things without feeling like I should be somewhere else.
There are definitely some good things going on though. I still get to see John on Tuesday and Wednesday nights, which is REALLY nice. Monday and Tuesday days make me so ready for Tuesday nights by the time I get there! I will become officially Catholic in just over a month, which is really exciting. It doesn't seem like it would be that big a deal to most people, but this is a very big thing for me, and I'm very excited about it! Also, spring break is also just over a month away, which will be a much needed spring break. I was going to take the week off from work, but I think instead I'm going to just take off Wednesday all together so I can schedule a doctors appointment and a dentist appointment and an appointment to have a dress altered for my friend Theresas wedding.
ALSO, the wedding plans (speaking of weddings) are going really well! I picked up my dress on Saturday :-D and I didn't want to take it off when I tried it on that night! I'm going crazy not being able to show John, but it will be so much fun that day! I feel like a princess with it on!
Okay, I need to go shower so I can start the day. At least I'm feeling pretty good today, which makes a huge difference!
People start dropping me e-mails! I miss everyone!

Monday, February 7, 2005

You Have A Type B+ Personality


You're a pro at going with the flow
You love to kick back and take in everything life has to offer
A total joy to be around, people crave your stability.

While you're totally laid back, you can have bouts of hyperactivity.
Get into a project you love, and you won't stop until it's done
You're passionate - just selective about your passions