Tuesday, November 28, 2006

More quiz goodness

What's your inner power? (Girls only sorry. Beautiful anime pictures, lengthy results)

Uniqueness- Your inner power is Uniqueness! You are very different from everyone around you, and you like it that way. In fact, youd be furious if you were anything else. To the world outside you are a buoyant, fun loving person, and are probably pretty popular. Yet deep down you feel the urge to be accepted as who you are, and desperately want someone who is truly there for you. You are very indecisive and change your mind regularly over just about anything. Youre very opinionated, and bulldoze over anyone who doesnt share your views. At times you can be very depressed, though few people realise it with your animated personality. You are great fun to be around, and enjoy shocking people with your out there views and beliefs. At times however, your urge to be different can work against you, as people dont often enjoy their ideas of right and wrong having any shades of grey. But dont let them get to you; youre an awesome person who many love. You have no doubt heaps of friends, but dont always have that close friend/s that you want and need. You strive to be accepted for who you are, and are protective and loyal to those who earn your trust. Although at times you think there may be no one there, look around. There is someone in the shadows who desperately wants to be your friend, who maybe you just havent noticed. Dont let anyone get you down, youre the one who gives this boring world excitement and culture. Keep it up! Boy/Girl who will sweep you off your feet: Someone different and independent. Someone who isnt your typical male/female, who can accept that not everything has to be black and white, and yes, there are many, many shades of grey. Your stone/jewel: Amethyst Your power: Difference/Change. This is the ability to make a difference in the world, to create new ideas and opinions, and to open up the minds of others to show that there is more than one shade of grey. Your element: Electricity/Lightening A quote that applies to you: "Id much rather to be hated for who I am than loved for who Im not."
Take this quiz!

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The Maid of Honor
Deliberate Gentle Love Master (DGLMf)

Appreciated for your kindness and envied for all your experience, you are The Maid of Honor.

Charismatic, affectionate, and terrific in relationships, you are what many guys would call a "perfect catch"--and you probably have many admirers, each wishing to capture your long-term love. You're careful, extra careful, because the last thing you want is to hurt anyone. Especially some poor boy whose only crime was liking you.

Your exact opposite:

Random Brutal Sex Dreamer
We've deduced you're fully capable of a dirty fling, but you do feel that post-coital attachment after hooking up. So, conscientious person that you are, you do your best to reserve physical affection for those you respect...so you can respect yourself.

Your biggest negative is the byproduct of your careful nature: indecision. You're just as slow rejecting someone as you are accepting them.

ALWAYS AVOID: The False Messiah, The 5-Night Stand, The Vapor Trail, The Bachelor

CONSIDER: The Gentleman, someone just like you.

Link: The 32-Type Dating Test by OkCupid - Free Online Dating.

Monday, November 27, 2006

11 through 15

So, okay, in getting back to my "Big 35 List," I've got a few more things to add:

11. Talk to Stephanie and Josh more
12. Get some nice professional pictures of John and I
13. Get to 2 more Mike Previti concerts!!!
14. Paint my computer room
15. Purchase a 5 or 6 foot tall book case for the computer room.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Love it, love it, love it!

Life is pretty darn good right now. For those who haven't heard (and that's most of you) I gave my notice at work. My last day is January 12, and I CAN'T WAIT. Counting down the days now. So that will be good. I'm planning on substitute teaching in Laconia. I've got some job applications out too, but we'll see where those go. I've got a few to apply for still also.

Second, Thanksgiving was pretty nice. John didn't feel like it was Thanksgiving - I have to agree with him for the most part, but ti was still nice to have the family get together for a nice meal and some together time. I have to say - I've got lots to be thankful for! First - my amazing husband, who always seems to be able to pick me up when I am down. Second, my family - of origin (Stephy and Josh!!!), adopted, and in-laws. I am blessed to have such a great family. Third, my beautiful home - I'm so lucky that we have the means to have a nice house in wonderful neighborhood. Fourth, my friends - you all - the privileged ones that get to read my inner-most thoughts! Last - my pets. They keep me sane. =)

Finally tonight - John and I saw the Trans Siberian Orchestra today. OH MY GOD. I LOVE THEM. I could marry them all. Except the girls. Not so much there. Their concerts just rock more than anything in this world! If you EVER get the chance to see them live - I STRONGLY suggest you go!!

Anyway - it's time for some foodage. Janelle - it was so great seeing you today! I'm sorry your drive home is so aggravating for you. Next time, bring Daniel!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Me next!

he Basic Stuff

Name?: Melissa
Age?: 25
Height?: 5'6"
Weight?: don't you know it's not polite to ask a woman how much she weighs?!
Birthday?: August 19
Birthplace?: The hospital of course!
Current Location?: NH
School/Grade?: I have a bachelors degree
Zodiac Sign?: I'm a Leo, hear me rawr!
Chinese Zodiac Sign?: Rooster
Righty or Lefty?: Right
Haircolor?: Brown
Eyecolor?: Also brown
Skin Color?: White, not that it matters

About You

What's Your Family Situation: I have one
Any Pets?: I live in a zoo
If So What Are They?: Molly, Maggie and Kane
Favorite Relative?: My husband
Least Favorite Relative?: uh..I really shouldn't answer this one lol <--- what Kim said
What's Your Heritage/Race?: Depends on my mood - by blood I'm German w/ French extraction (whatever that means) but I consider myself English.
Political Affilation?: That's one of the things that should never be discussed at the dinner table

Love & Sex (aka, the TMI section ^.~ lol!)

Sexuality?: I'm straight
Are You In A Relationship Now?: totally married =)
If So, With Whom?: John!!
For How Long?: We've been together for... umm... 2.5 years, give or take, and have been married for almost 1.5
Are You In Love?: Yes
Do You Have A Crush On Anyone?: Sure
Ever Had A Crush On Someone Of The Same Sex?: Umm, no
How Old Were You When You Had Your First Kiss?: 13
Virgin?: I'm married, you do the math
If Not, How Old Were You When You Had Sex For The First Time?: I'm not even going there
Was It Enjoyable?: see above
What's The Farthest You've Ever Gone?: how does that even make sense, if I just said that I'm married?
Where Do You Most Like To Be Kissed?: Only one person needs to know that
Best Love Quote?: "I love you."

Your Friends

Best?: Yeah, I like them.
How Many Do You Have?: A few close ones
More Guys Or Girls?: Used to be more guys than girls, but not so much anymore
Love Them All?: Why would I be friends with someone I hated?
Any You Wish You Were Closer To?: Proximity wise, I would say Janelle, but otherwise, not at the moment
Oldest?: Sarah Skillin
Newest?: Kim, I guess
Pen Pal?: I haven't had one of those since I was in 3rd grade

Friends And Words: Associate Them

Pen: pencil
Flower: power!
Pink: Victorias Secret
Window: Pane
Heart: throb
Mother: in-law
Bread: machine
Insane: me!
Sunglasses: I have some =)
Pimp: Aaron
Cross: Jesus
Lonely: sad
Car: pool
Music: John

This Or That

Boxers or Briefs?: Depends on who's wearing them =)
Thongs or G-Strings?: Neither, thanks
Shorts or Pants?: pajama bottoms
Shoes or Barefeet?: Everything's better in flip flops (but I prefer bare feet, according to John)
Books or Movies?: Depends on my mood
Night or Day?: Day
Dark or Light?: Light
Mountains or Beach?: Beach
Snow or Sun?: The sun after the snow!
Pepsi or Coke?: Diet
Guys or Girls?: huh?
Swim or Surf?: Swim

For or Against

Gay Marriage?: This is totally NOT the forum for that discussion
Abortion?: Against, but again, see above
Bush Getting Re-elected?: Oh dear God.
Suicide?: This whole section is way too controversial for LiveJournal surveys
War?: All we are saying is give peace a chance
Pants?: What about capri's?? are we discriminating against them now?
Clothes In General?: Yeah, I'm a fan
Penises?: Yeah, back up to the top of this section


Color?: Red
Number?: 11
Holiday?: Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah, and Easter
Season?: Autumn
Movie?: I have lots at this point
Book?: I don't really have one favorite
Magazine?: Country Living and Cosmo! (Which I haven't received them this month and I'm getting a LITTLE mad)
Food?: the edible kind
Drink?: Milk, or rum and coke, depending on what the type of drink you're getting me is
TV Show?: CSI, Law and Order: SVU, umm... I liked Dancing with the Stars... ummm.....
Song?: I don't have a favorite at the moment
Band?: Mike Previti is my favorite solo artist
Computer Game?: The sims!!!
Video Game?: Final Fantasy 9
Anime/Manga?: Not so much
Shirt?: Probably my massively huge blue sweater
Pants?: My gray ones
Actor?: Orlando Bloom, Johnny Depp,
Actress?: I like Sandra Bullock, umm... pretty much I like the ones that stay out of the limelight!
Singer?: Mike Previti
Flower?: Sterling Roses and Sunflowers
Scent?: I like Vanilla, but I have this spiced cocoa candle that I can't wait to bust out!
Animal?: Big cats
Cookie?: Oreos!

The Future

Want To Go To College?: Been there, done that
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: I don't wanna grow up, I'm a Toy's R' Us kid!
Want To Get Married?: not again! I like the marriage I have!
Want To Have Kids?: Yeah!
What Would Their Names Be?: That changes almost daily
How Many?: John says 2, I want three... guess we'll have to take the national average of 2.3 and a dog
Where Do You Want To Live?: My house, in the middle of my street
Where Do You Want To Get Married?: Why doesn't anyone write surveys geared towards people that are already married?!
How Do You Want To Die?: Not slowly and painfully, that's for sure

More Stuff About You

Piercings?: One open one in each ear
Tattoos?: None
Smoke?: Nope, never will
Drink?: Occasionally
Do Drugs?: Only the legal prescribed kind (and some vitamins and stuff)
Skinny Dip?: Oh yeah, every morning in the shower
Greatest Fear?: Failure
Chocolate or Vanilla?: Chocolate!
Go To Church?: Every Sunday at 11... well, sometimes it's Saturday's at 4, and this past Sunday it was at 8:30
Religion?: Catholic
Scars?: Yeah, random ones like on my hand and my foot
CDs Owned?: Yep, I have some
Collections?: I collect cats. Live ones. But then John makes me give them away. I collect other random papers on my desk. No real collections though
Like To Be Naked?: Not particularly
Ever Eaten Sushi?: Yeah, but I didn't like it
An Entire Case Of Oreos?: Oh, now they come in cases??? last quiz I took, they came in boxes.
Been On Stage?: Indeed I have
Danced In The Rain?: Only once, but I was not in very good company
Kissed Someone Of The Same Sex?: Nope
Weirdest Dream?: Well, there was this one that I was on a bus because Portsmouth got bombed....
Best Dream?: The happy ones!
Saddest Dream?: Any where someone I love ends up dying
Dream You Most Wish Would Come True?: I don't think I would want anything that happens in my subconscious to really come true, it would be far to weird
Think You're Attractive?: depends on the day
Shoplifted?: Plead the 5th
Been Caught "Doing Something"?: Oh yes, I do "something" quite frequently. Right now I'm sitting at my laptop, and John caught me.
Weirdest Makeout Place?: I'm not weird enough to have a "weirdest makeout place" so we'll have to go with the rear facing seat of my parents Taurus when I was in high school
Like Thunderstorms?: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Favorite Shoes?: Bare feet. And flip flops.
Favorite Quote?: "Vivir con miedo es como vivi a medias."
Best Advice Given?: "Do good, don't suck."
Worst Advice Given?: "do good, don't suck."=)
Favorite Song Lyric?: I supposed I'd have to have a favorite song first...
What Quote Says Most About Your Life?: What's with the quote obsession?
Glad This Is Over?: Yeah, it's freaking bedtime now.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

My Big 35 List

So, I've decided to write a list of things I want to do before I turn 26. I'm probably going to need a lot of love and support to get some of them done, so your encouragement is much appreciated. Just remember, it is a work in progress.

Without further ado:

1. Take up yoga again
2. Loose 30 pounds
3. Join a gym and work out regularly
4. Take ballroom/latin/swing dance lessons
5. Start writing in my prayer journal more
6. Finish Final Fantasy VIII, IX and X
7. Start nursing school
8. Walk more
9. Watch less TV
10. Read the stack of books on my bookshelf (there's like 7 up there!)

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Stupid UTI's. I'm home from work again - I went to the doctors last night and sure enough, I have another one. Ugh.
I'm sure my job has something to do with the fact that my body can't seem to fight anything off. I'm sure it has to do with the stress my job puts on me. I think the PA-C that I saw yesterday might have been starting to get to that when we were talking about my job yesterday. She asked if it was emotional and stressful, and I told her it was. She was like "Yeah, I can't imagine being under the level of stress you must be under sometimes." Then we had the discussion about what do I try to do to keep myself healthy. I jokingly said "I get sick so I can take a day off." And she was like "You know, there's probably something to that..."

Anyway, that's about it from here. Be on the look out for lots of stupid quizzes today.

Your Vocabulary Score: B

You have a zealous love for the English language, and many find your vocabulary edifying.
Don't fret that you didn't get every word right, your vocabulary can be easily ameliorated!

Your Daddy Is Darth Vader

What You Call Him: Old Man

Why You Love Him: You don't love him, you just love calling him "daddy"

Your Career Type: Artistic

You are expressive, original, and independent.
Your talents lie in your artistic abilities: creative writing, drama, crafts, music, or art.

You would make an excellent:

Actor - Art Teacher - Book Editor
Clothes Designer - Comedian - Composer
Dancer - DJ - Graphic Designer
Illustrator - Musician - Sculptor

The worst career options for your are conventional careers, like bank teller or secretary.

Your Travel Profile:

You Are Well Traveled in the Northeastern United States (43%)
You Are Somewhat Well Traveled in Canada (40%)
You Are Somewhat Well Traveled in the Southern United States (23%)
You Are Mostly Untraveled in Southern Europe (20%)
You Are Mostly Untraveled in Western Europe (7%)
You Are Mostly Untraveled in the Western United States (5%)
You Are Untraveled in Africa (0%)
You Are Untraveled in Asia (0%)
You Are Untraveled in Australia (0%)
You Are Untraveled in Eastern Europe (0%)
You Are Untraveled in Latin America (0%)
You Are Untraveled in New Zealand (0%)
You Are Untraveled in Scandinavia (0%)
You Are Untraveled in the Middle East (0%)
You Are Untraveled in the Midwestern United States (0%)
You Are Untraveled in the United Kingdom (0%)

You Are Italian Food

Comforting yet overwhelming.
People love you, but sometimes you're just too much.

You Are More Mild Than Wild

You're confident, and you really aren't concerned with how "hot" you are.
Other people's ideas of what's sexy don't concern you. And this is exactly what makes you attractive.

Your Learning Style: Idealistic and Flexible

You enjoy learning anything that can help others... from making the world more beautiful to saving lives.

You Should Study:

Environmental Science
Fashion Design
Interior design
International Studies
Restaurant management
Studio Art
Veterinary Medicine

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Home again...

I'm home sick again today. Shocked? Yeah, I didn't think so. I have a fever today, which basically is an automatic "get out of jail free" card. I'm probably going to do some work around finding a new job - I should look up a book that my friend Liz recommended to me about the way I've been feeling - Quarterlife Crisis. Anyone heard of it? I hadn't, but I'm going to look into it today. Sarah M., maybe you should look into it too! I'll let you know what I find.

Anyway, there's not much to report. That's really it, actually.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Oh it's on now...

The job hunt, that is...

Have you ever hit a point in your life where you just realize, suddenly, that you want a complete and total career change? I suppose they call it a mid-life crisis. But what is it called when you're 25? I hope this isn't my mid-life crisis, because what's going to happen when I'm 50?? Will I be dead or something?

Lots of people I know have been going into nursing - either they're in the program now, or they're starting it in the spring. I really wish right now that I had never left the medical field - I love it so much, I love the knowledge that comes from working in the field, I love the feeling of really making someone better.

I don't know - it's hard to explain. I haven't even had the conversation with John about it yet. But I want to talk to him about how much I miss the medical field - even if it's to work as a medical assistant! I'd do that if I had too, if we couldn't afford for me to go to nursing school or become a surgical tech. Both of those programs are two years at the NH Tech school, which is great - because I've done a lot of the lower level classes to get my Bachelors from UNH already.

It's so weird. I wish I just knew what I wanted already.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

A little better now

I'm doing much better now than I was in my last post. So that's good. Yesterday Kim and I went to the Christmas Tree Shop - I got all kinds of Christmas decorations and whatnot, so that was good. Oh, and wrapping paper. Which is always a good thing to have. I LOVE wrapping Christmas presents, and I can't wait until I can start. I guess in theory, I could start now, because I have some gifts that need to be done. I'd feel weird wrapping Christmas presents before Thanksgiving though, so I'll just have to put it off for another two weeks. It'll be good to be done with it though.

Anyway, Kim and I had a BLAST shopping - or at least I did. We had this wicked scary waiter when we went out to lunch at Ruby Tuesday, though. I don't remember his name, but he was just scary. I ordered a Sprite, and Kim said she'd have the same, so his response was "do you want hers or do you want your own." Kim and I are like "huh???" Yeah, we weren't poised to think on that level. I'm never poised to think on that level, but especially not when I have to do it from a waiter. I know that it's a hard job and you've got to do something to lighten your day, but making your customers feels stupid is NOT the way to do it.

Alright. Enough about that. I get to have a good, relatively relaxing weekend finally! We have some yard work to get done today, and we have to vacuum the house. Otherwise, that's about it. Oh, and grocery shopping. Yeah, food is good. I like food.

Not a whole lot to report on today, other than to say that I had so much fun with Kim yesterday - I hope the Christmas Tree Shop in Portsmouth goes through! Then we can go shopping AAAAANNNNNNDDDDD go out for milkshakes at the Friendly Toast!

Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Is it over yet?

I need to find a way to go to my happy place. I've been in such a horrible mood all night, and John just got home, is in the shower whistling that fucking song from the Polar Express soundtrack, and I just want to go in there and punch him. Not because I'm mad at him, but you know how when someone does something that for no particular reason just pisses you off like it's nobody's business? Yeah, that's how I feel about it. He's been home for all of 45 minutes, and I've done nothing but look forward to seeing him all day... It doesn't help that I've had dreams about him cheating on me lately, and I've just been so rediculously down on myself that I can't even stand it. I so don't want to go to work tomorrow either, for fear of flipping out completely on someone. Did you know I have 27 cases on my caseload. Yeah, you read right - TWENTY - FUCKING - SEVEN. 9 weeks and counting until my year is up. I'm DYING to get out at this point. Like you have no idea. It's like I keep saying - I have tons of respect for the job, and I totally believe in what people in my job do. But I can't do it. I can't! And I'm sick of pretending that I can, or trying to tell the world that my job is great and wonderful and I love it. I don't love it! I don't love the awesome responsibility that comes with it (and I don't mean the awesome like the "Hey cool!" awesome), and I don't love the fact that I never know if I've made the right choice.

Anyway, I need to stop ranting for tonight. I have to. Or everyone will start to think I'm nuts.

Going to my happy place now. Wake me up in February.

Sunday, November 5, 2006

My new glasses...

So I have a whole new look =) I got some new glasses today, which I'm exceptionally excited about. They're much different than any that I've had before, which makes me happy, but they're not totally wacky looking like some that I tried on today. I don't have any photos of me wearing them, yet, but when I do, I promise to post. But I'm really excited about them, because I'm going to be wearing them much more often. Granted, I will still be wearing my contacts, but my contacts can be really expensive, so I'm trying to mitigate the cost slightly by wearing my glasses more, so I had to get some I really wanted to wear. John says he likes them, which is important to me, because no one wants to be married to someone who doesn't want to look at them anymore!

Our basement has finally stopped flooding, as well, which is exceptionally exciting! My father in law is going to be coming over to help John with the pump on Friday (I'll be far, far away, shopping at the Christmas Tree Shop with Kim!) and hopefully that should be the last of it. John wants to wait until the end of November to put the room back together, but I say the sooner the better! I found this new flooring online that looks like it could be a good idea. One of my moms coworkers daughters used it in her basement, and they love it, because if anything happens to their basement, they don't have to pull it up and it doesn't get wrecked. So I think we should look into that.

John and I are a little upset about the way plans for Christmas have been unfolding lately. We were discussing with our respective families this weekend about how we are having everyone over for Christmas (I know, it's early to be planning yet, but it's good to know where everyone will be for the holidays) and right away his mom starts in with "Well, how are we going to do gifts, what if Melissa's parents get us something?" and so on and so forth. So then I'm talking to my mom, and she's all "Well, we'll just give you your gifts another time, and we'll just have a nice dinner and visit on Christmas." And I'm all "HOLD UP!" This is NOT how Christmas is supposed to work. Tell me if this makes sense: Have Christmas with your respective immediate families (opening gifts, whatever it is you do), then everyone gets together and opens presents together. The Streeters don't buy for the Cardins, the Cardin's don't buy for the Streeters, and John and I are just left in the middle. Does that make sense to everyone else?

Anyway, I'm going to go watch the Patriots game now. Catch y'all later.