Thursday, May 31, 2007
Week 7

Monday, May 28, 2007
Baby stuff, knitting stuff, other stuff
This is what Roo looks like right now. Not much of anything, but still kind of cool. I'll be trying to post pictures every week to show the natural progression of things. It's amazing to think that this is all going on inside me, and the only thing I feel is some discomfort if I stand for too long, some aversion to some foods, and extreme fatigue. I tell John that the tiredness is because "buildin' a baby is hard work!"
I'm working on knitting on two prayer shawls right now. One of them only needs a few more rows done on it, so I'm hoping to get those done today and get it in the mail tomorrow. The other one I just picked up at the post office on Saturday, so I will get working on that one soon. I also need to get to work on the second sock for my mom. I got the first one done the other day, and she tried it on. Fortunately, it fit her very well, even over another sock, so I'm glad my guesswork was right! I cast on the second sock, but that's about as far as I've gotten. I'd like to get it done quickly, but I'm going to be focused on getting all my studying done for my tests.
I've got 2.5 subjects still to cover and two weeks to get it done in. I am NOT so happy about that. I think I will be studying like crazy the next few weeks, and I'm kind of praying not to get called in to sub tomorrow so that I'll have two full days to work this week. I don't want to say no to any sub jobs, because we can always use the money...
Anyway, off to pick up my cool new foot massager spa thing!
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Great East Festival/Six Flags Trip
Then it was on to Six Flags! With temperatures topping 90 degrees, it made for a great day at the park - especially the water rides! I couldn't go on any rides except the carousel, but I even finally opted out of that one. I did go swimming in the wading pool and the wave pool though, so that was good. I was glad I thought to wear my swim suit under my clothes, because other wise, I never would have been able to go in. Some of the kids started off a little rough in the park - there are several diabetic children in the band/chorus groups, so some of them were having some issues, two people just got plain sick, and one developed a migrane. Fortunately for us, we had the school nurse on the trip with us, so she was able to take care of all of these kids.
It made for kind of a long day with a group of kids wanting to tag along with John and I all day. Luckily he was able to go on a lot of the rides, and it would have been boring for him to hang out with me all day while I wasn't able to go on anything. However, to make up for the whole experience, I bought a Wonder Woman cape and a huge ice cream. Both were well worth it.
Not much other news today. I'm so sleepy from yesterday, and plus my parents came over today to help with some work in the basement and yard. My dad and John knocked out all the crappy sheetrock from the basement wall, and now it's ready to have the new stuff installed into it. It's amazing how much less like water and gross stuff it smells now! Makes a huge difference. I can't wait until we can get that sheet rock in and the floor tiled now! It will be so awesome to have that room back. It'll be nice on nights like tonight to be able to watch TV and such down there. We also got quite a bit of gardening done with my parents help today, which was good. One garden is done, and the others are on their way!
Okay, I'm leaving for real now. I'm super tired and my feet and ankles super hurt!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Monday, May 21, 2007
Todays running log
Monday, May 14, 2007
Todays log
Temp: 71.3
Running Training run 4:45 pm
Normal loop 1.55 miles 29:00 (18:42/mile)
Weight: 237
Saucony Grid Aura TR5 (11.3 miles)
TODAY Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then: Jog 1/4 mile (or 3 minutes) Walk 1/8 mile (or 90 seconds) Jog 1/2 mile (or 5 minutes) Walk 1/4 mile (or 2-1/2 minutes) Jog 1/4 mile (or 3 minutes) Walk 1/8 mile (or 90 seconds) Jog 1/2 mile (or 5 minutes)
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Belated running logs, and everything else too
Here are my much over due running logs for the remainder of the week. I couldn't run on Wednesday because I had a kid serving a 1 hour detention with me after school, and then John and I went to dinner at a coworkers house. I ended up running Friday and yesterday, but neither were a very good run.
We had the burial for Grandad yesterday. It was very sad, but it's nice to have the closure now. We got to go see his house again yesterday, it will be sad to see so many of his belongings go into an estate sale. All of the grandchildren were able to buy a few things from the estate, so John and I purchased a bureau, a small shelf, a rocking chair and a lamp. I am excited to bring them back to the house! All of our bureaus now are antiques, and three of them will have come from Grandads house.
Today we are having a cookout to celebrate mothers day and the birthdays of my dad and grandmother. It's been nice to be at my parents, too, because my aunt is up from Texas, so it's been great to visit with her and everything.
Hope everyone has a great day!
Monday, May 7, 2007
Monday,7 May, 2007
Temp: 72.5
Running Training run 4:45 pm
Normal loop 1.35 miles 22:53 (16:57/mile)
Weight: 237
Saucony Grid Aura TR5 (7.3 miles)
Best run yet - Week 3, Day 1: 90 sec run, 90 sec walk, 3 min run, 3 min walk, 90 sec rund, 90 sec walk, 3 min run, cool down..>
Almost finished the socks for my grandmother for her birthday! I'll be glad when those are done, that's for sure. Then I'll have to start some for my mom. I'm also crazy busy studying for my PRAXIS II, both elementary ed and social studies. I doubt I'll pass the social studies one, so everyone wish me luck on both! I have until June 9th to prepare...
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Running Log, Gardening, etc.
Temp: 56.7
Running Training run 10:15 am
Normal loop 1.04 miles 18:27 (17:44/mile)
Weight: 237
Saucony Grid Aura TR5 (5.9 miles)
Still some pain in upper leg, unsure of cause. Stopped after 5 intervals instead of 6.
I went running on Saturday instead of Friday because I was dealing with some pain in my leg that day. Not really sure why, or where it's coming from, but it's not going away, and it's not like anything I've ever had before. If it isn't gone in a week, I'll call the doctor.
I started getting some gardening done around the house this weekend. My parents were supposed to come over yesterday and bring some perennials with them that they were going to give us, but nothing is up enough to do that just yet. So they're going to hold off, and maybe come over on the 19th or the weekend of Memorial Day to do it. In the meantime, I got a small forsythia and planted that yesterday, along with some hydrangea and I got a little herb garden going last night. I'm really excited about it, because I never really thought I was going to like gardening, but I'm really starting to enjoy it. Yet again, my parents were right =)
I haven't gotten much knitting done lately, but for the next two weeks, I'll be subbing in a study hall at John's school. This week I've got to finish the second sock for my grandmother. I've also got to get some serious studying done for my second PRAXIS tests. I'm taking two more, both on June 9th, one for the elementary ed (which I've REALLY got to do well on) and one for middle school social studies (which I'd really like to pass). I'm getting really nervous about both of them, and I feel like I don't have that much time to prepare.
Anyway, that's about all the news from here today. Will check in again on Monday or Tuesday!
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Running Log, general update
Temp: 65
Running Training run
Normal loop 1.04 miles 20:15 (19:28/mile)
Weight: 237
Saucony Grid Aura TR5 (4.9 miles)
Felt a little slower than ususal today. Shin splints developed in both legs now.
Yesterday at my Weight Watchers weigh in, I was up 4.4 pounds. I just about fainted! I was SO close to having lost my first 10 pounds that all I wanted to do was cry! But all I can do is pick up and move on forward again. I have to think that some of it is because of my new running activities, as well as some water retention because of it. Hopefully my system will settle down soon, and I'll be back under control. Of course, eating a Snickers every day won't help either.
I subbed in a 7th grade social studies class today. I wanted to pull my hair out and kill one of the kids today! I've never had such problems EVER. On the up side, I got a letter of recommendation for one of the teachers at Johns school today, and she wrote me a wonderful one! So that makes me feel good.
I don't think there's much other news right now... My parents are coming over on Saturday to help us plant some new bushes and what not, so that will be nice. I'm looking forward to getting some landscaping done around here!