Monday, May 28, 2007

Baby stuff, knitting stuff, other stuff

Well, I finally discovered that the reason my feet and ankles hurt so much is because I'm already starting to get the swelling in them! I made the mistake of telling John that foot massages are bad because they can trigger contractions. Unfortunately, I forgot to mention that they're bad after the 5th month! Now he won't even go near my feet. But I did find a woman that is willing to give me her home foot spa thing, so that will be nice. I've actually got to leave soon to pick that up.

This is what Roo looks like right now. Not much of anything, but still kind of cool. I'll be trying to post pictures every week to show the natural progression of things. It's amazing to think that this is all going on inside me, and the only thing I feel is some discomfort if I stand for too long, some aversion to some foods, and extreme fatigue. I tell John that the tiredness is because "buildin' a baby is hard work!"

I'm working on knitting on two prayer shawls right now. One of them only needs a few more rows done on it, so I'm hoping to get those done today and get it in the mail tomorrow. The other one I just picked up at the post office on Saturday, so I will get working on that one soon. I also need to get to work on the second sock for my mom. I got the first one done the other day, and she tried it on. Fortunately, it fit her very well, even over another sock, so I'm glad my guesswork was right! I cast on the second sock, but that's about as far as I've gotten. I'd like to get it done quickly, but I'm going to be focused on getting all my studying done for my tests.

I've got 2.5 subjects still to cover and two weeks to get it done in. I am NOT so happy about that. I think I will be studying like crazy the next few weeks, and I'm kind of praying not to get called in to sub tomorrow so that I'll have two full days to work this week. I don't want to say no to any sub jobs, because we can always use the money...

Anyway, off to pick up my cool new foot massager spa thing!

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