Saturday,5 May, 2007
Temp: 56.7
Running Training run 10:15 am
Normal loop 1.04 miles 18:27 (17:44/mile)
Weight: 237
Saucony Grid Aura TR5 (5.9 miles)
Still some pain in upper leg, unsure of cause. Stopped after 5 intervals instead of 6.
I went running on Saturday instead of Friday because I was dealing with some pain in my leg that day. Not really sure why, or where it's coming from, but it's not going away, and it's not like anything I've ever had before. If it isn't gone in a week, I'll call the doctor.
I started getting some gardening done around the house this weekend. My parents were supposed to come over yesterday and bring some perennials with them that they were going to give us, but nothing is up enough to do that just yet. So they're going to hold off, and maybe come over on the 19th or the weekend of Memorial Day to do it. In the meantime, I got a small forsythia and planted that yesterday, along with some hydrangea and I got a little herb garden going last night. I'm really excited about it, because I never really thought I was going to like gardening, but I'm really starting to enjoy it. Yet again, my parents were right =)
I haven't gotten much knitting done lately, but for the next two weeks, I'll be subbing in a study hall at John's school. This week I've got to finish the second sock for my grandmother. I've also got to get some serious studying done for my second PRAXIS tests. I'm taking two more, both on June 9th, one for the elementary ed (which I've REALLY got to do well on) and one for middle school social studies (which I'd really like to pass). I'm getting really nervous about both of them, and I feel like I don't have that much time to prepare.
Anyway, that's about all the news from here today. Will check in again on Monday or Tuesday!
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