My Baby
Baby starts plumping up this week, as body fat begins to be deposited under her skin. Your baby will continue adding these essential layers from now until she leaves the womb, when she'll need them to help her stay warm in the outside world. Added bonus: They help her achieve that precious, pudgy baby look! Your baby is continuing to "breathe" amniotic fluid through her lungs, prepping for those first oxygen-packed breaths after she's born. Roughly the size of a large pear, these days she's almost 5 inches long and weighs in at nearly 5 ounces. Her delicate skeleton continues to harden from rubbery cartilage to bone, so make sure you're chugging that milk. The calcium helps build a strong, sturdy frame!
Wednesday, John and I went to the doctors again. We got to hear the baby's heart beat - again, a strong 160 beats per minute (approx.), so that was exciting. I was happy to hear it this week, because I went bowling the day before and it really hurt my stomach, so I wanted to be sure it didn't hurt the baby at all, but it sounded like all was well! I go in for an ultrasound on the 29th, at 7:30 in the morning! John can't make it, but my mom can, so she's SOOOO excited to go! I'm excited to have her come too, so that will be good. The minute I said that John couldn't go and I said it was a Wednesday, she goes "I'm going!" I guess I have between now and then to decide if I want to know if it's a boy or a girl. I keep going back and forth on that one!
In unrelated news - we FINALLY finished the basement and got all the funiture moved back in! So this is my first entry from my new computer location - affectionately called "the cave" because I'm under the stairs. It's okay, I like it over here! I can always tell when someone is coming into the room, which is a lot nicer than always being startled when I was up in the babies room. I will try to get some photos of the newly finished room posted today or tomorrow. Probably today.
I'm going blueberry picking with my mom tomorrow. I'm hoping to learn how to make blueberry jam this summer! I'd also like to learn how to make strawberry jam (that's my favorite) but I think the strawberries are out of season now. :-( I'll have to see if Tenny's is picking still, and I can stop there before I get to my parents to go pick blueberries! :-)
Okay, I think that's about all of the news now. I'm going to go feed Kane, then work on hanging up some more of the stuff that goes down here, as well as seeing if I can find some new stuff, so that it really shows that we're going for a beach theme in this new room!
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