My Baby
These days, when your heart beats, your little baby may be able to hear it! With the bones and nerves in his ears developed enough to function, he can now hear all sorts of sounds -- from blood coursing through the umbilical cord to the rumblings of your hungry tummy. Over the next few weeks, he'll be able to detect voices and music outside the womb as well, so it's time to bust out the books and practice your storytelling skills! Your baby's growing into one smart cookie as his brain continues to differentiate into specialized regions. He may even exhibit primitive reflexes in utero -- such as recoiling when startled by a loud noise.
These days, when your heart beats, your little baby may be able to hear it! With the bones and nerves in his ears developed enough to function, he can now hear all sorts of sounds -- from blood coursing through the umbilical cord to the rumblings of your hungry tummy. Over the next few weeks, he'll be able to detect voices and music outside the womb as well, so it's time to bust out the books and practice your storytelling skills! Your baby's growing into one smart cookie as his brain continues to differentiate into specialized regions. He may even exhibit primitive reflexes in utero -- such as recoiling when startled by a loud noise.
Did I mention in my last update that my next ultrasound is scheduled for August 29th? I couldn't remember, but that's when it is. I'm excited to go! Still unsure if we're going to find out if it's a boy or a girl, but part of me kind of wants to and part of me kind of doesn't. I don't want to get all excited for one sex, only to find out they made a mistake and I actually had the opposite. We'll see I guess.
I've had a lot of people asking me lately when my baby shower is going to be, so let me put this out there: I am NOT throwing my own baby shower. I consider it rude to throw a shower for oneself in order to ask for presents. If anyone out there would like to throw a shower, you are more than welcome (dare I say, encouraged? :-) ) to throw one, but I want to make it clear that I am NOT the one throwing the shower. Therefor I know nothing about details of one.
Anyway, sorry to put that downer on the post, but I wanted to make that a well known fact before I got asked again. I am hoping that my family will throw one in November when Aunt Donna is in town. She wasn't able to come to my bridal shower because of timing, and I'd like her to be able to be in town for the baby shower, if nothing else!
Let's see... what else... I can't think of much. I started knitting a baby hat, and I'll probably do some baby mittens soon - though they won't be real mittens per say - just kind of little pouches to put their whole hands into. Baby hands are so tiny they won't fit well into actual mittens, and they'd have a hard time keeping their thumbs warm. I'll post a picture of the hat when it's finished.
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