Above: This is what you see as you come down the stairs, and are about half way down. We will be putting up a bannister there once the baby comes so that we can not worry about the baby falling onto the ceramic tile.
Above: This is the room from the bottom of the stairs.
Above: I don't know what the blurry thing in the lower right corner is, but the bulk of this picture is showing where my new computer set up is. I told John the other night that I like the set up because it feels like it's in a college dorm there.
Above: You can see Johns computer and the TV in this picture. He shares a screen with the TV. Sometimes it works, sometimes not so much, when I want to watch TV and he wants to play around on the computer.
Above: You can see Kane's crate tucked away under the stairs, as well as the door that goes into the unfinished part of the basement. Sorry, no photos of that!
Above: This photo makes the tile look significantly more gray than it really is - it's actually a tannish-sand color, as is the grout.
Above: These are the shelves above my desk. You can see my printer and my fish Jonah up there!
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