Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Misc. Update

I feel like that's the only title to give my updates these days, because I feel like I'm ALWAYS updating!

Okay, so here we go:

1. John's car came out of the shop yesterday, so that's good. It wasn't as expensive as we thought it would be either, which is ALSO a good thing. You never realize how much you rely on having two cars until you suddenly don't. Turns out it was the alternator that went, plus he needed an inspection. He still has to get his third break light (the one over the rear window) replaced because some punk kid at his school smashed his to bits, and it doesn't work. My car goes in for its inspection on Monday. I know it will need at least two new tires to pass, but possibly 4. It also might need breaks, but otherwise, it's in good shape. I like my car. :o)

2. I had a "job interview" yesterday which went well. I put the words job interview in quotes, because it wasn't really an interview. It was basically me sitting down with this guy, Arni Swanson, and him telling me all about Social Work p.r.n., which is like the equivalent of a temp agency for social workers. P.R.N. is the medical abbreviation for "as needed." So I've agreed to go on with them as an independent contractor. I got all of my paperwork out in the mail today, and I'm waiting on my liability insurance to come through. In the meantime, the hunt for an at-home job continues. We need the income of two jobs, but my primary goal is to not have to pay for day care when the time comes. I would much prefer to be able to stay at home with the baby if given the choice.

There was something else I was going to update about, but I can't remember what.

John and I will be away this weekend at my parents house, but I'll probably post with a baby update before we go for the weekend.

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