Thursday, August 30, 2007

News from home

A random mid-week post that has nothing to do with babies or knitting! Go figure!

I figured I should probably give an update of just things here at home!

This week has been pretty quiet. John went back to school on Tuesday for his teacher days. Today is his last one, then he has a 4 day weekend for the holiday, and he's back to school on Tuesday with students. It's nice for him, they get to ease back into it - 3 days without students, 4 days with students, 4 1/2 days with students (they have a half day the second week of school), 5 days with students.

Second, John had an audition for the Portsmouth Symphony Orchestra on Monday. The PSO is a semi-professional orchestra that rehearses (obviously) in Portsmouth, but performs all over the Seacoast. He just heard yesterday that he got the trumpet spot that was open. He was surprised, he thought for sure it would go to someone else that was there, but he was happy, and I think he is excited too. I am excited for him!

I am still off for another week before starting my new job - I don't go in until the 6th. It will be nice to get out of the house and go to work for 12 hours a week. I was thinking that it's a great way to "ease" back into the workforce too, since I've been off for the last month, and have been out of social work for almost 9 months!

Did anyone see the story on Good Morning America about the blog that bashed Elizabeth Edwards for taking their kids on the road with them? I just looked up the blog online, and read the post and Elizabeth Edward's response. I don't know how I feel about it - frankly, I figure their parenting choices are their own, so long as they're not denying their children and education, or fostering any other form of abuse or neglect while on the road.

I guess that about wraps up this post for the time being. I guess I'm going to go knit :-)

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