Sunday, December 13, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Another Writing Gig!
Last night, I started by writing a story about 2-1-1 NH, which is a phone number people can call to get information on basic things, and referrals to different services that can help. I don't think enough people know about this service, so I'm really happy to be able to start sharing this with people!
So, if anyone has any information that they think would be relevant, please let me know!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Holiday Portrait Time

It is possible to order extra prints, so if anyone is interested, let me know, and I'll send you the e-mail with all the info on it! I think they came out great!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Fall Volunteer Opportunities
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Long time, no write!
Hannah is doing really well - she's growing like a weed! I've been working on her Halloween costume a lot lately - I'm making her one this year! She's going to dress up as a monarch butterfly. I'll be able to post some pictures in a couple of weeks when we have our Halloween party at our Wednesday morning moms group.
We went apple picking at DeMeritt Hill Farm not too long ago, which was fun, but I think next time we'll check out another orchard in the area that has wagons, so I don't have to lug both Hannah and the apples at the same time. That makes for a very tired mommy.
John went back to work a little over a month ago, and so far, his school year is off to a good start. He's in the new building now, and his new facilities are really, really nice. He's also been busy teaching lessons outside of school, as well as playing with the Portsmouth Symphony Orchestra, Portsmouth Brassworks, and a few other organizations. He had applied for a conducting job with the Nevers Band, based out of Concord, but didn't get it. It kind of works out, though, because it would have been a lot of additional driving for him. Plus, I enjoy getting to see him now and then!
Hannah got glasses at the beginning of September. We discovered she is farsighted, on top of crossing her eyes (acquired esotropia). We got her some lovely purple ones that have no hinges or parts that will break, so she can't do much to hurt them. The two questions we get the most are 1) Are those real, and 2) How do you get her to keep them on?? It gets a little old after a while, especially the "Are those real?" Of course they're real!! You expect that I would fight with my 20-month-old to keep on her fake glasses? I'm not stupid.
Anyway, get off that little rant. I wanted to put up some pictures, but I can't because Blogger won't let me right now... Hopefully again soon!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
I'm so neglectful!
John is back to school now. He had three teacher days last week, and will start with his students on Tuesday. One more day off tomorrow, then he's back to a relatively normal schedule, holidays aside. He's been busy with gigs and lessons this summer, but the fall will slow down his performance schedule a bit. He'll be picking up some new students this fall, which is exciting.
We did some projects around the house this summer, like power washing the house, staining the deck and ripping up (two!) linoleum floors to tile the kitchen, which looks fantastic. We still need to lay the decorative tile we're going to put down between the kitchen and living rooms, and then the project will be done.
Hannah is growing and changing every day, which is really fun to watch. She's starting to talk a lot and is using to "use her words." We're still attending moms group at Frisbie Hospital on Wednesdays, but that will change after she turns two, because she'll age out of that group at that point. We'll look into going to a story hour at the library at that point, as well as going to play groups with Little Sprouts, which she can stay in until she's 5.
I never got the chance to post her 18 month photos, so I will put them up here:

I'm hoping to start finding some time to get out and do more "adult" stuff on my own too. I joined a knitting group that I haven't gotten to go to once yet, and would love to get there before the end of the year! =) I'm also hoping to maybe join a book group, but I've got so many books I want to read before I get to do that! I'm currently reading The Host by Stephenie Meyer, and before that I read the entire Twilight saga in 8 days (also by Stephenie Meyer), and I have read Lucky by Alice Sebold, The Knitting Circle by Ann Hood, and The Shack by William P. Young, all of which were excellent books. I'm re-reading the Twilight saga as well, but now that I'm on the 4th book again, I've sort of put it back on the back burner so I could get through the rest of my "to read" list. I want to re-read the Chronicles of Narnia for fun, and I want to read Crime and Punishment because I found it at a library book sale for $1. I've also got a copy of Memoirs of a Geisha that I've been looking forward to reading too, and I've had my eye on Unconventional by J.J. Hebert.
I guess that's about all from here. Hope to start getting into posting more often again, now that we'll be back in our routine!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Ignore This
Monday, August 3, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
The Good Home Cookbook
What I got was a whole lot more!

Win a Wii Fit!
To enter to win the #KidsWeigh Wii Fit contest, check out client testimonials and fabulous Dr. Weigh success stories then fill out this secure contest form telling us which story was your favorite!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
Getting into the summer routine
Fortunately, we were able to have an enjoyable 4th of July weekend with hardly any rain, for the first time since summer started! We went to Hancock to visit my parents and see the fireworks there. We had a great time visiting the Friendly Farm, and taking Hannah to her first fireworks show! She did great, which was awesome. She only cried a little near the beginning, but got over it really fast!
I'm still working my 2 days a week schedule, which works out well for us doing things on the weekend, because I have a 4 day weekend. I just signed up for a knitting group as something new to do to get out of the house that is something that would be just for me. I already can't make it to the next meeting because it's Wednesday evening and John's got a rehearsal, but since they try to meet every other Wednesday or Thursday, I will be able to get to one probably on the 22nd. I'm looking forward to meeting some people in the area that aren't just at moms group (though the people I have met there are awesome).
Anyway, I wanted to share pictures from our latest trip to the Friendly Farm, but Blogger won't let me... I will keep trying though!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Migration and moving?
So, until I can afford to utilize wordpress the way I'd like to, it's not really worth it for me to migrate. At least not right now.
Monday, May 18, 2009
What a week!
I was driving home from work on Tuesday, and was coming up to an intersection with a stoplight. I noted that the light was green, and figured that the line of traffic would be moving by the time I got there. I set down a container of animal crackers that I had been giving Hannah on the passengers seat. The faux pas was that I also happened to look at the container as I set it down, and when I looked back up, the traffic was not moving, and I hit the car in front of me while driving about 35-40 miles per hour. I slammed on the breaks, but to no avail. I hit him, and he careened into the car in front of him, which, fortunately for me, was an SUV, so there wasn't a ton of damage there.
The car that I hit was also totaled, which makes me feel terrible. The SUV was relatively unscathed, just some bumper damage. Fortunately, there were no injuries, just some bumps and bruises. Also fortunately, my insurance covers most of the cost of a rental car, so I was able to drive one of those until we found a new vehicle, which we did on Sunday.
After lots of test driving and looking, we settled on a used 2008 Chevrolet Malibu LT V6. We went back and forth between an '06 and an '08, but ultimately decided we would get more years out of the newer car, despite them having just about the same number of miles.

Those are the photos of the car we bought off the dealers website. It rides great and is very comfortable inside. The trunk is very, very roomy, so it will serve as a good trip car when we need to take it on long rides.
That's about all the news from here, and that's about all the news I want from here right now! Hoping things go back to normal now!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Lots to update!
Anyway, to play catch up:
I had a great Mothers Day yesterday! John and Hannah gave me some really sweet cards, and John bought me a new digital camera! Mine died about a month ago, and I've been camera-less since then, which has been really hard for me. Last year I took almost 1500 pictures, so I have really felt weird not having my camera!

We bought a Canon SX110 IS, and so far, the pictures have been looking really good! We still need to get a new memory card for it, because we just have the stock one it came with, and the older ones we had won't work in this camera.

Fortunately, the new card we'll need to get is really inexpensive, so it won't break us to buy a new one. So far the pictures I've taken with it are coming out really good, and it's almost easier to use than my old S1, which makes me really happy!
We went to my parents house for a cookout yesterday, since it was also my dads birthday, and my grandmothers 83rd birthday will be next Sunday. We always put all three celebrations together into one party. My parents are going away on a trip this spring and will be leaving on Friday, so it worked out well to do it yesterday. Next Saturday, my sister and I are taking my grandmother out to lunch as her birthday present. Since my parents will be away, we didn't want her to spend her birthday weekend alone, so we decided that it would be fun and a nice gift to take her out.
I was finally able to take some pictures of the sun hat I made for Hannah too:

I think that's about it for now... Have to get showered and dressed - taking Hannah to the library today, and then we're going out to lunch with a friend. Yay!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009
Mothers Day Gift Ideas
Featured Products
More Great Gift Ideas
April Cornell Shoulder Bag
BabyPlus System
Not Just Any Old Day Keyrings
Menu For The Week Subscription
For My Mother Reflection Journal
Vintage Body Spa
No Throw
Me Time Sportswear
Kind Notes
Aventine Hill Bath Products
Treadlight Eco Snack Kit
Name Your Tune CDs
Things Remembered Charm Stories
Diaper Clutch
Lia Sophia Riverside Necklace
Lia Sophia Beaujolais Necklace
Lia Sophia Mandalay Bay Necklace
Lia Sophia Athena Necklace
Lia Sophia Love Dust Set
More Great Gift Guides
The Mom MavenMomECentric
All reviews listed in the Momfluence gift guide were product provided.
Featured positions were purchased by sponsors. Member gift guides are not affiliated with Momfluence.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Screen Names
Okay, maybe it's just me. I like to change things up now and then. But the one time I came up with a screen name I didn't really want to change, I started getting random IM spam. Okay, come on people, I get enough junk mail as it is, I don't really want you spam IMing me too.
Whatever. I'm going to try to revert back to one of my old screen names to see what happens.
Stay tuned!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
It's a jungle sometimes!
More parenting videos on JuiceBoxJungle
What to do when tempers flare... hmm... Well, with an almost-15-month-old, that can happen way more than I'd like it too. So let see what the best way to handle it is:
1) Scream and yell. Well, I'm pretty sure that's not going to work. That's only going to escalate the situation! On the upside, it can show your kids that you have feelings and get frustrated too, though it probably wouldn't be the preferred method of choice.
2) Ignore them/Walk away from them. Ahhh, yes. As much as I would LOVE for this one to work, it just won't, most of the time. Why? Safety issues. If I ignore my daughter and she finds an uncovered outlet, we're going to have some big, big problems. (Not that I have any uncovered outlets in my house, mind you.) There are a few times that I think it will work: in the supermarket/department store/park/etc. If you ignore the behavior (assuming it's a temper tantrum in the middle of the isle), kids will learn that they won't get the attention they want that way. However, tantrums are ususally a way of a kid expressing their frustration when they don't have the vocabulary for it. They can be scary for kids, because they don't know why their out of control.
3) Firmly tell them why they can't do what they're doing. This one probably makes the most sense to me. Besides, what you're doing is establishing rules/guidelines/givens or any other thing you call them in your house. Using words like "Stop" instead of "Don't" or "No" will likely work better, because, frankly, what's the first think you want to do if someone says "don't open the box on the table!" Get the drift?
So, now it's 3:30pm, way past nap time, your kids having a meltdown, and you can't cope anymore. How do you take care of YOU? Some tips from me.
1) Put your kid in his crib, pack 'n' play, somewhere safe and take a shower.
2) Grab the stroller and go for a walk (weather permitting).
3) Count to 10.
4) Get a drink of water just to get out of the room your in.
5) Seek out help with the kids.
6) Change your laundry over from the washer to the dryer.
7) Tell your kids what's wrong. You'd be amazed at how much help they want to give if you say you're having a hard day too.
8) Try breathing deeply.
Then, start creating a normal routine that incorperates things you enjoy in your free time (whatever THAT is!):
1) Try a new hobby
2) Exercise
3) Become financially savvy - not the same thing as having all kinds of extra money, just know how to use what you have wisely.
4) Delegate tasks. If your kids are old enough to empty the dishwasher, let them! If their not, teach them how to put away the tupperware.
Those are just a few tips from me to you on navigating the "Mommy Meltdown." Don't let the stress get you down - don't let it get to you in the first place!