Monday, July 6, 2009

Getting into the summer routine

Hitting up summer vacation can be tricky in our house, because John is suddenly both home all the time, and never at all, if that makes any sense. He's home during the day, which makes me get all screwed up figuring out what day of the week it is, but he's out a lot at night with rehearsals and gigs on the weekends.

Fortunately, we were able to have an enjoyable 4th of July weekend with hardly any rain, for the first time since summer started! We went to Hancock to visit my parents and see the fireworks there. We had a great time visiting the Friendly Farm, and taking Hannah to her first fireworks show! She did great, which was awesome. She only cried a little near the beginning, but got over it really fast!

I'm still working my 2 days a week schedule, which works out well for us doing things on the weekend, because I have a 4 day weekend. I just signed up for a knitting group as something new to do to get out of the house that is something that would be just for me. I already can't make it to the next meeting because it's Wednesday evening and John's got a rehearsal, but since they try to meet every other Wednesday or Thursday, I will be able to get to one probably on the 22nd. I'm looking forward to meeting some people in the area that aren't just at moms group (though the people I have met there are awesome).

Anyway, I wanted to share pictures from our latest trip to the Friendly Farm, but Blogger won't let me... I will keep trying though!

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