Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I'm a little behind...

Okay, I haven't been so good at updating lately, but I've been crazy busy... not to mention, crazy sleepy!

I did NOT get that job at Advanced Patient Advocacy. You know what though? That was okay. I really wasn't upset about it, especially considering I didn't really want the job in the first place. Lately, I've been getting called in to substitute teach like crazy! I was in every day last week, I'll be in every day this week, and I've already been requested for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. I won't be able to take the Monday assignment, which is a little bit of a bummer, but it's because I have a job interview at the Strafford County Child Advocacy Center at 3, and wouldn't be home in time. I could still take an assignment in Rochester though, because I'll get out at 2:15 and would need to be in Dover by 3. Not a problem.

This particular job would be part time, and it is for a forensic interviewer and intake coordinator. I'd hope for more of the intake coordinator responsibilities, because the forensic interviewing is a little more intense than I would want to be involved with. Click here for a job description.

In the off time from that, I could still substitute teach. I am loving this teaching thing, and it's been such a great thing for me! I come home at the end of the tired, but in a good way. I don't dread getting up and going to work like I used to. I love going in, making a positive connection with some kids, and really feeling like what I'm doing is good. I know I had mentioned in an earlier post that I was given my Alt. 4 eligibility in about 6 different subject areas, and I just recently received my Alternative 5 eligibility for K-6 and K-8 (two completely different things, though they sound the same), and I am SOOOOOO excited! I'm starting to look for teaching jobs, and I'm trying to come up with some people that may be willing to be a mentor teacher for me. So far, I haven't come up with anyone yet.

I switched on to a new med for anxiety about 2 weeks ago. I was taken off my Wellbutrin and put on Effexor. It's made such a difference for me! I think between that and finding a job that I love really has made such a positive change in my life that I'm practically beside myself. I haven't been home sick, or wanting to refuse a position in several weeks, and when I had a cold last week, I still went to work, even on the day I didn't have a voice, and was able to kick the cold in a week! I've never been able to do that!

I told John today when we were laying on the couch after getting home from work that I am really content right now. I am just happy with where I'm at, with our house, with the way the weather was today, with our pets, with everything! I'm so ridiculously optimistic now, and I LOVE IT! It's been such a long time since I've felt this good. My dad called me tonight and said "We haven't heard from you since Sunday, so I figured I'd just call to say hi!" When it dawned on me that it was already Wednesday, I couldn't believe how long it had been since I called my parents. Again, that is a good thing! For anyone that's known me the last few years, you know I couldn't go a day with out calling my parents, so going several days without doing it is HUGE.

Anyway, I feel like I'm gushing, or rambling, or both. I'm going to go downstairs and work on the last dishcloth I'm knitting for a dishcloth exchange with some Weight Watchers women!

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