Above: This was my first ever attempt at a hat, and it came out so cute! It is a preemie baby hat I made for a woman in RCIA who is going to be a first time mom in May. She's actually due in June, but they think there is a chance she will have to go early, hence why I made the had for a preemie. This is made from the Plymouth Baby Dream Baby DK yarn . It was very easy to knit up and I did it in just a few days. It was great!

Above: Don't Mess With Texas cloth. Not a very good photo of it. Check out my webpage for a better one.

I had some pictures of some other cloths, but somehow they got lost in the shuffle. I will have to take them again later today and post them.
Also, I FINALLY updated my webpage with the start of some available yarns and patterns. Currently, I am only displaying dishcloths, which are for sale for $5 each or 3 for $12. Hopefully I will be getting back on the ball with that, and getting some things knitted for the upcoming craft fair season.
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