Saturday, March 24, 2007

Catching up some more

I feel like there isn't much new to report, but at the same time, I'm sure there is. I had a job interview on Monday for the Child Advocacy Center position. I think it went pretty well, but I'm pretty sure I didn't get the job, as I didn't hear anything from them all week. I'm okay with that though, because I am still loving teaching way too much to leave it.

I've subbed in Laconia every day since Tuesday this week. On Thursday one of the special ed. teachers came to me and said that if I needed a letter of recommendation, she would be happy to write one for me. Another special ed teacher said that I should really "try looking for a job at a school that you and John can commute together." Meaning the middle school. So hearing things like that really makes me happy, because it means that I'm doing the right thing, and making the right choice to move into the teaching realm. Its amazing what being at a job you love can do. I've never felt it before, and it's the best feeling in the world to actually love getting up and going to work! I look forward to it, and I'm EXCITED about it!

John is doing well. He had a long week this week, between the concert on Thursday and then the Lakes Region thing yesterday. Two nights in a row he was out late. Next Thursday he has the Educational Fair at the high school that some of his kids are playing at, so it will be another late night for him then. Though, not as late as if he went to his Carter Mountain rehearsal.

I have two more job interviews coming up this week - one of them is in Portsmouth at a place as a volunteer coordinator. The place is an association for blind people. It's only 15 hours a week, but it will allow me to still substitute teach. The other one is for a job here in Rochester at the Job Training place. It would be as a case manager helping other people find and apply for jobs. It's full time, so I wouldn't be able to sub in the mean time, but we do need the money until I can get a regular teaching job.

I guess that really is about all the news from here though... Can't think of anything else!

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