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Monday, January 29, 2007
Sunday, January 28, 2007
My finished ruana
Current projects update
I finished the ruana - and just as soon as I can get a photo of me modeling it, I'll post it up here. It's been perfect to wear around the house, because the weather has been FREEZING lately. I'm currently working of a few scarves, most of which are going to be Christmas gifts, but I'm thinking about making a slew of them, since I can knit one up in about a week, and selling some at a craft fair. I'm thinking that would be a fair way to support my hobby, plus it gives me a project a week to work on! So I'm excited to get some of those going. I've got two left over balls of the Wool-Ease that I was using for my ruana, so there's two scarves right there. One of the ones I'm working on right now I was going to give to someone for Christmas, but now that I'm seeing it all knit up, I'm not sure if it would suit that person.
Next weekend is the superbowl, which means that the local yarn store (LYS) in Portsmouth will be having their gi-normous sale! Donna and I will probably head down, so I've got to send her an e-mail this week!
That's all for now. Be on the look out for photos! Also, please check out the links on the side of my page as they get added. Right now I have a link to a blog that a friend posted while his band was performing in Iraq.
Next weekend is the superbowl, which means that the local yarn store (LYS) in Portsmouth will be having their gi-normous sale! Donna and I will probably head down, so I've got to send her an e-mail this week!
That's all for now. Be on the look out for photos! Also, please check out the links on the side of my page as they get added. Right now I have a link to a blog that a friend posted while his band was performing in Iraq.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
At the moment...
So, Wednesday afternoon, my mom calls me up and starts launching off on me about how I shouldn't be selling myself short and that I can do so much more than substitute teach, blah, blah, blah. Finally, I had hit my breaking point, and I let it all out, telling her that she shouldn't be worrying about me, we wouldn't have made the decision for me to leave my job if we hadn't know what we'd be in for, that I have been looking for a job, my plan wasn't to substitute teach for the rest of my life... so on and so forth. I finally just told her that she and my dad need to stop calling me up and making me feel like crap because I got myself out of a bad situation, in which I was calling in to work sick more often than I had sick days, that I was dreading getting up and going to work, and that since I had left my job, I had actively been looking for a new one, but that I wanted to find something I would be happy with, because I didn't want a bunch of jobs that I stayed at for 6 months to a year on my résumé, since that makes me look unreliable. Finally she just said that they would stop worrying about me. I doubt that's the case, but at least I haven't heard from them since that day. I was thinking about calling my mom this morning, but part of me doesn't really want to do that. I am tired of them thinking that I made a bad choice and that all this horrible stuff will happen because of it. I don't believe I did make a bad choice, because (surprise, surprise) I haven't been sick since I left my job. I like being able to sleep at night not worrying about my caseload. I've got some ideas of what I want to do, it's just a matter of being able to implement them.
Thursday I subbed in an elementary school. I had a pretty good time, but I was subbing for a special ed teacher that usually pulls the kids out of the classroom, so I really just went into the room and sat with them. It made for a kind of boring day. Then, the classroom teacher of the room I was supposed to be in for the last two hours of the day told me that she didn't need me there, so I sat in the Sp. Ed. office and read a book for two hours. I couldn't do anything on the computer, because one of the other Sp. Ed. teachers yelled at me for being on it.
Yesterday, John had a teacher workshop day, so I didn't have to go in again. I went grocery shopping and got my hair trimmed. I always feel better after I do that, so I'm definitely more pumped up again. Tomorrow I'll pick up the Sunday paper to look for some jobs again. I'm not sure what John and I are going to do today, but we've got to find something. Last weekend, we did nothing, and I was SOOOO bored. John played FFIX most of the day Saturday, but that just isn't something I can do - I can't sit in front of a video game for 5 hours at a time. Hopefully today we'll find something to do.
Anyway - breakfast time...
Thursday I subbed in an elementary school. I had a pretty good time, but I was subbing for a special ed teacher that usually pulls the kids out of the classroom, so I really just went into the room and sat with them. It made for a kind of boring day. Then, the classroom teacher of the room I was supposed to be in for the last two hours of the day told me that she didn't need me there, so I sat in the Sp. Ed. office and read a book for two hours. I couldn't do anything on the computer, because one of the other Sp. Ed. teachers yelled at me for being on it.
Yesterday, John had a teacher workshop day, so I didn't have to go in again. I went grocery shopping and got my hair trimmed. I always feel better after I do that, so I'm definitely more pumped up again. Tomorrow I'll pick up the Sunday paper to look for some jobs again. I'm not sure what John and I are going to do today, but we've got to find something. Last weekend, we did nothing, and I was SOOOO bored. John played FFIX most of the day Saturday, but that just isn't something I can do - I can't sit in front of a video game for 5 hours at a time. Hopefully today we'll find something to do.
Anyway - breakfast time...
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Substitute Teaching
Okay, so, thus far, subbing has not gone the way I planned. I was called in last Tuesday to sub, and I've already been called in for tomorrow. However, I haven't worked in a week. John said last night that he's just waiting for a bomb to drop, and that something will come up that we just won't have the money for. I am trying not to use my car for a whole lot anymore, in hopes of 1) conserving money on gas. 2) Reduce the risk of anything going wrong with my car.
I've spent a lot of time just getting stuff done around the house, but I swear, if I load the dishwasher one more time this week, I'm going to go nuts. Today is going to be a laundry day again, but I just can't motivate myself to bring the laundry down to the basement. It does need to get done though, because There are some clean ones down there that have been there since Saturday.
Anyway, that's about all the news from here. I'm off to knit. I want to get my ruana done by the end of the week...
I've spent a lot of time just getting stuff done around the house, but I swear, if I load the dishwasher one more time this week, I'm going to go nuts. Today is going to be a laundry day again, but I just can't motivate myself to bring the laundry down to the basement. It does need to get done though, because There are some clean ones down there that have been there since Saturday.
Anyway, that's about all the news from here. I'm off to knit. I want to get my ruana done by the end of the week...
Monday, January 22, 2007
The big list again
My Big List
1. Take up yoga again
2. Meet my 10% goal, plus 6 pounds.
3. Join a gym or yoga studio and go!
4. Take ballroom/latin/swing dance lessons
5. Start writing in my prayer journal more
As you can see, the joining a gym thing is crossed off. This is because I have bought an elliptical machine to use at home. Yay!
1. Take up yoga again
2. Meet my 10% goal, plus 6 pounds.
3. Join a gym or yoga studio and go!
4. Take ballroom/latin/swing dance lessons
5. Start writing in my prayer journal more
6. Finish Final Fantasy VIII, IX and X8. Walk more
7. Start nursing school
9. Watch less TV
10. Read: The Cloister Trials, Quarter Life Crisis, The Color Purple, Random Passage and Knitting Under the Influence.
11. Talk to Stephanie and Josh once a month.
12. Get some nice professional pictures of John and I
13. Get to 2 more Mike Previti concerts!!!
14. Paint my computer room
15. Purchase a 5 or 6 foot tall book case for the computer room.
16. Learn to read knitting patterns
17. Knit a blanket
18. Find a new job/return to school for a career I want to pursue
19. Do yoga 4 times a week, at least.
20. Finish the scrapbook for my dad.
As you can see, the joining a gym thing is crossed off. This is because I have bought an elliptical machine to use at home. Yay!
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Okay, I have to admit that MySpace is a highly addictive, sometimes pretty fun, website. It's neat to connect with old friends and see how they've all been doing and such. What isn't so cool is the fact that I like to not have my MySpace be so restricted that people have to know my name or e-mail address to find me. Many of the people I hope to connect with either don't know I'm married, or don't know my e-mail. Hence, why I'm hoping to connect with them! However, this morning I got up to see I had an e-mail saying that someone wanted to be added as a friend. So I went and checked it out, only to find that it was one of John's students that I happened to substitute teach for on Wednesday.
Now, okay, granted this student is a pretty nice kid, but there's that line of what's appropriate and what isn't. My guess is that they'd want me to be added on instant messenger too, if they could find me. Needless to say I didn't add the student. I asked John if he had checked his e-mail, and discovered that this student had found him on MySpace as well. John also said he wasn't going to add them.
Alright, I guess that's all I have to say about MySpace today.
Now, okay, granted this student is a pretty nice kid, but there's that line of what's appropriate and what isn't. My guess is that they'd want me to be added on instant messenger too, if they could find me. Needless to say I didn't add the student. I asked John if he had checked his e-mail, and discovered that this student had found him on MySpace as well. John also said he wasn't going to add them.
Alright, I guess that's all I have to say about MySpace today.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
New Yarn
I just received today some new yarn I ordered from a woman I love to do business with on EBay. I always buy Sirdar yarn from her, as I have yet to find it in the states. She is from England. I just got this Sirdar snowflake yarn that is a DREAM! It is so soft, I can't wait to make a scarf from it! I was going to give it to a friend, but I may just have to make one for myself!

Just to clarify
I should clarify something I said in the last post about my knitting, because I've gotten several questions about it: No, I am not pregnant. I mentioned a baby blanket I am working on. It is not for me, it is a gift for someone.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Current knitting projects
I thought I would post a couple of pictures of my current knitting projects. I'm leaving off the pictures of the baby blanket, for now, because there wasn't a good way to get a picture of it in it's current state.

This is the ruana I'm knitting right now. I'm using Lion Brand Wool Ease Chunky to make it. The color is called Bay Harbor. It shows up a little more blue in this picture, but it's a little more like a denim color. I'm knitting it on size 13 needles bamboo needles, and the pattern is just K5, P5, all the way across, so it can be cast on in any multiple of 5. In retrospect, I probably should have done it with about 20 less stitches, because it's a little bulkier than I wanted. But it will keep me nice and warm with the cold weather we've been having!

This is a scarf that I'm just about done with. I am using Lion Brand Jiffy, which is a 100% acrylic yarn that looks like mohair. It feels a lot softer when it's in the ball, but it's not quite so soft when it's been knit up (at least, not right now). The scarf is being knit on size 9 bamboo needles, and the pattern is done in multiples of 10. Row 1: K5, P5. Row 2: K4, P1, K1, P4. Row 3: K3, P2, K2, P3. Row 4: K2, P3, K3, P2. Row 5: K1, P4, K4, P1. Row 6: P5, K5. Row 7: K1, P4, K4, P1. Row 8: K2, P3, K3, P2. Row 8: K3, P2, K2, P3. Row 9: K4, P1, K1, P4. Row 10: K5, P5. Then it just repeats, and you end up with a pattern that makes triangle shapes through it. This pattern came from and can be found under "Triangle Scarf." Once you get into the rhythm of it, it's pretty easy to do, it just took some getting used to and a lot of counting to keep track of where I was early on. If you don't have one (like I don't), I would recommend a row counter to keep track of where you are in the pattern, at least while getting started.

This is the ruana I'm knitting right now. I'm using Lion Brand Wool Ease Chunky to make it. The color is called Bay Harbor. It shows up a little more blue in this picture, but it's a little more like a denim color. I'm knitting it on size 13 needles bamboo needles, and the pattern is just K5, P5, all the way across, so it can be cast on in any multiple of 5. In retrospect, I probably should have done it with about 20 less stitches, because it's a little bulkier than I wanted. But it will keep me nice and warm with the cold weather we've been having!

Thursday, January 18, 2007
Now that I'm here...
As you can see, I've moved over to Blogger. I think I am going to enjoy having this as my new place to blog, as I like the things it allows me to do much more than what I was getting from LiveJournal. I like being able to have my comments come as a pop-up, and I over all like the ease of use this site gives.
Now I just need to find something interesting to blog about.
I will probably put up my book reviews here as I read them and put the reviews up on my personal site.
So I hope you enjoy your stay at Luna's Chambers!
Now I just need to find something interesting to blog about.
I will probably put up my book reviews here as I read them and put the reviews up on my personal site.
So I hope you enjoy your stay at Luna's Chambers!
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Sunday night... Now what?
It hasn't really hit me that I'm done at my job. it really just hasn't sunk in at all! My last day at the office was a rather uneventful one. I got all of my stuff closed, and I thought my supervisor was going to jump up and down for joy! Well, she pretty much did. Then, as I was leaving, the supervisor of my whole office gave me a card, and my supervisor gave me one that (almost) everyone in the office signed. It was really nice of them, and it made me kind of sad to see it all end! I don't think it will quite hit me until Tuesday when I don't have to get up for work.
I am looking forward to substitute teaching. It will be nice to know that I'll be able to get days off when I need them for doctors appointments, and the like. A guidance counselor position is opening up in a school, so I'm going to apply for that. It doesn't start until next school year, but if I can get that job, then all I'll need is something to hold me over until then - like the subbing, and then maybe something part time during the summer. We'll just have to see what happens. But keep your fingers crossed for this one, because that is what I really want to be doing right now!
Chris and Kim just left the house. It was nice to have them over for a little bit. They brought over the game Doodle Dice, which was pretty fun. John says he likes it better than Yahtzee. I like Yatzee better though.
I guess I can't think of much other news. Yay for the Patriots squeaking out a win in the 4th quarter today! That was an awesome game. John and I joke that now we need to have our next door neighbors over because they're Colts fans. Next weekend should be fun!
Okay, that really should do it for now...
I am looking forward to substitute teaching. It will be nice to know that I'll be able to get days off when I need them for doctors appointments, and the like. A guidance counselor position is opening up in a school, so I'm going to apply for that. It doesn't start until next school year, but if I can get that job, then all I'll need is something to hold me over until then - like the subbing, and then maybe something part time during the summer. We'll just have to see what happens. But keep your fingers crossed for this one, because that is what I really want to be doing right now!
Chris and Kim just left the house. It was nice to have them over for a little bit. They brought over the game Doodle Dice, which was pretty fun. John says he likes it better than Yahtzee. I like Yatzee better though.
I guess I can't think of much other news. Yay for the Patriots squeaking out a win in the 4th quarter today! That was an awesome game. John and I joke that now we need to have our next door neighbors over because they're Colts fans. Next weekend should be fun!
Okay, that really should do it for now...
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
2 days and counting...
I can't believe there's only 2 more days at my job. I'm kind of starting to panic, wondering if I made the right choice. I feel like by constantly telling people that I've made the right choice, that I'm really trying to convince myself of it. Problem is, I really want to be someone to make a difference in someones life. I guess I like the feeling of knowing I've made an impact, and since that feeling comes so rarely in life, it's nice to have a job in which I know I do it every day. But at the same time, I was listening to John at dinner, and he was talking about how he was really able to reach one of his students today, and I think "Man - that's what I want... I want to be the POSITIVE impact on someones life, not just the crappy social worker that showed up."
I know that I've made a positive impact in some peoples lives. I also know I've made a not so positive one too. But that comes with the territory I suppose.
I'm adding another New Years Resolution onto my list this year. And it's a big one. This year, I'm going to be a better friend. I'm going to try to cultivate my friendships more, and work towards having the really close friends I've always felt I've wanted, but haven't felt I've had in a very long time. Don't get me wrong, I do have friends, and I miss them all very much. I'm going to branch out and be the whineyest I've been in a long time right now, so bear with me. I'm also going to go out on a limb and be very open. I have some issues that have developed in my life that make it very hard for me to do any of that. 1) I've recently discovered through lots of therapy that I have social anxiety. The idea of going anywhere with almost anyone makes me very, very nervous. I need to have left by a certain time. I need to be home more than not right now. I'm okay with having people over, but I don't want people to stay long, unless it's only one or two of them. Lots of my friends want to know why I don't play games when I hang out. Same reason. I get to nervous to play, and I literally can't. This is also part of the reason my job was very hard for me. I would get terrible anxiety when going out on home visits. 2)I have an attachment issue. I always feel as if I've become friends with people, but when I find out in any way, shape or form that the other person perceives our friendship to be any less than what I considered it to be, I take it as a personal insult, and become very hurt. Thus adding to my anxiety.
Keeping those things in mind, this is where I need my friends help: Ask me to do stuff. Invite me out places. Call me. ANYTHING. I need to start working on ways to get over these things. I want to not feel like I'd rather be at home all the time, or that if I think I'd like to leave by 6pm, that at 6pm on the nose I have to walk out the door.
Okay, now that I've gotten that out in the open, I can move on with the rest of my post...
I bought an elliptical machine! YAY! I haven't gotten it yet, but it shipped today, and I'm SOOOOO excited to get it so I can start working out! I've taken up yoga again, which is exciting. But lately my back has really been bothering me, and the yoga has only exacerbated it. This weekend I'm going to try out the deep rest meditation on one of the DVD's. It makes for such a better feeling than taking a nap, and I highly recommend that to anyone - in my mind, it's the best part of yoga! I need to try out the one I have so I can tell Kim if she can borrow it. Also, I lost another 2.8 pounds this week, which was exciting. Everyone keep sending me skinny vibes!
I know that I've made a positive impact in some peoples lives. I also know I've made a not so positive one too. But that comes with the territory I suppose.
I'm adding another New Years Resolution onto my list this year. And it's a big one. This year, I'm going to be a better friend. I'm going to try to cultivate my friendships more, and work towards having the really close friends I've always felt I've wanted, but haven't felt I've had in a very long time. Don't get me wrong, I do have friends, and I miss them all very much. I'm going to branch out and be the whineyest I've been in a long time right now, so bear with me. I'm also going to go out on a limb and be very open. I have some issues that have developed in my life that make it very hard for me to do any of that. 1) I've recently discovered through lots of therapy that I have social anxiety. The idea of going anywhere with almost anyone makes me very, very nervous. I need to have left by a certain time. I need to be home more than not right now. I'm okay with having people over, but I don't want people to stay long, unless it's only one or two of them. Lots of my friends want to know why I don't play games when I hang out. Same reason. I get to nervous to play, and I literally can't. This is also part of the reason my job was very hard for me. I would get terrible anxiety when going out on home visits. 2)I have an attachment issue. I always feel as if I've become friends with people, but when I find out in any way, shape or form that the other person perceives our friendship to be any less than what I considered it to be, I take it as a personal insult, and become very hurt. Thus adding to my anxiety.
Keeping those things in mind, this is where I need my friends help: Ask me to do stuff. Invite me out places. Call me. ANYTHING. I need to start working on ways to get over these things. I want to not feel like I'd rather be at home all the time, or that if I think I'd like to leave by 6pm, that at 6pm on the nose I have to walk out the door.
Okay, now that I've gotten that out in the open, I can move on with the rest of my post...
I bought an elliptical machine! YAY! I haven't gotten it yet, but it shipped today, and I'm SOOOOO excited to get it so I can start working out! I've taken up yoga again, which is exciting. But lately my back has really been bothering me, and the yoga has only exacerbated it. This weekend I'm going to try out the deep rest meditation on one of the DVD's. It makes for such a better feeling than taking a nap, and I highly recommend that to anyone - in my mind, it's the best part of yoga! I need to try out the one I have so I can tell Kim if she can borrow it. Also, I lost another 2.8 pounds this week, which was exciting. Everyone keep sending me skinny vibes!
Sunday, January 7, 2007
Who am I?
Your results:
You are Mystique
Click here to take the Super Villain Personality Test
You are Mystique
| Sometimes motherly, sometimes a beautiful companion, but most of the time a deceiving vixen. |
Click here to take the Super Villain Personality Test
Saturday, January 6, 2007
One week and counting...
Can you believe that I have one week left at my job? One week left at the job that one year ago, I was so desperate to have. One week left at the job that has been the bane of my existence since the second week I was there.
Actually, I have to say - it was a phenomenal experience learning as much as I have and getting to have that particular work experience. But at the same time... it was way more stressful than my little body (okay, not really LITTLE) could handle. I just couldn't take the stress of feeling like I had a job that came before my life. I was constantly worried about my clients and my case load and what my boss was going t say about them. I come home from work tired and cranky and I just don't want to do that anymore.
I've been able to close out a bunch of my cases already, and my supervisor has told me that she wants 10 more closed by Wednesday. The thing is - that's totally doable! I'm really happy about that. I did my last home visit on Friday night. Fortunately, it went off with out a hitch, and one of my coworkers came out with me, which was nice. I will miss some of the workers in my office, but for the most part, it will be nice to not be the social outcast of the office anymore.
So, hurrah for finally finishing Final Fantasy IX and getting to see the ending! I think I'm going to work on playing a new game that we got last weekend. That will be fun. I'm happy to be able to move on now =)
I got my first substitute teaching call on Thursday night. Too bad I can't start until the 16th! No luck finding any new jobs right now. I haven't heard back from any of the ones I've applied for, which is depressing. But I'm okay with it, because I'm excited (although VERY nervous) to substitute. I think it will be a great way to get my feet wet in the school setting, and see if thats where I want to go or not.
Anyway, I need to be heading to bed now!
Actually, I have to say - it was a phenomenal experience learning as much as I have and getting to have that particular work experience. But at the same time... it was way more stressful than my little body (okay, not really LITTLE) could handle. I just couldn't take the stress of feeling like I had a job that came before my life. I was constantly worried about my clients and my case load and what my boss was going t say about them. I come home from work tired and cranky and I just don't want to do that anymore.
I've been able to close out a bunch of my cases already, and my supervisor has told me that she wants 10 more closed by Wednesday. The thing is - that's totally doable! I'm really happy about that. I did my last home visit on Friday night. Fortunately, it went off with out a hitch, and one of my coworkers came out with me, which was nice. I will miss some of the workers in my office, but for the most part, it will be nice to not be the social outcast of the office anymore.
So, hurrah for finally finishing Final Fantasy IX and getting to see the ending! I think I'm going to work on playing a new game that we got last weekend. That will be fun. I'm happy to be able to move on now =)
I got my first substitute teaching call on Thursday night. Too bad I can't start until the 16th! No luck finding any new jobs right now. I haven't heard back from any of the ones I've applied for, which is depressing. But I'm okay with it, because I'm excited (although VERY nervous) to substitute. I think it will be a great way to get my feet wet in the school setting, and see if thats where I want to go or not.
Anyway, I need to be heading to bed now!
Monday, January 1, 2007
Happy New Year, one and all!
I haven't really been one for making New Years resolutions, except to say that this year, I will meet my 10% goal for WW, plus an extra 6 pounds. That will almost put me back down to a number wich would make me CONSIDER being comfortable telling people what I weigh.
Last night, John and I went over to the RK apartment and hung out with Kim, Isaac, Aaron, Autumn, Sarah, Isaac and Kim's mom and Ferris, and we had so much fun! I'm not much of a games person, but I'll tell ya, watching a rousing game of Clue is the best! Today has been a pretty mellow day - Just getting errands done, and laundry that didn't get done yesterday. I went to Target today and bought 2 new yoga DVD's, because, sadly, my Rodney Yee VHS got warped at some point and now won't work. I got a Suzanne Deason one, and another one that's probably a little too intense for me today, but it looks cool, because it has 6 different work outs on it, one of them using hand weights! So that should be interesting. I'm really excited to get back into yoga, and as soon as I can afford it, I'm going to sign up to take yoga at a yoga studio again. There's one in downtown Dover that looks promising.
Anyway, I guess that's about it for now. But before I go, I need to revamp my Top list of things to do before my birthday. So here it is in it's (almost) completion.
My Big List
1. Take up yoga again
2. Meet my 10% goal, plus 6 pounds.
3. Join a gym or yoga studio and go!
4. Take ballroom/latin/swing dance lessons
5. Start writing in my prayer journal more
6. Finish Final Fantasy VIII, IX and X
7. Start nursing school
8. Walk more
9. Watch less TV
10. Read: The Cloister Trials, Quarter Life Crisis, The Color Purple, Random Passage and Knitting Under the Influence.
11. Talk to Stephanie and Josh once a month.
12. Get some nice professional pictures of John and I
13. Get to 2 more Mike Previti concerts!!!
14. Paint my computer room
15. Purchase a 5 or 6 foot tall book case for the computer room.
16. Learn to read knitting patterns
17. Knit a blanket
18. Find a new job/return to school for a career I want to pursue
19. Do yoga 4 times a week, at least.
20. Finish the scrapbook for my dad.
I figure 20 things is doable by the time I hit my birthday... 35 was kind of pushing it. These, however, are NOT New Years resolutions, as most of them were made several months ago.
Hope you all have a great 2007!
I haven't really been one for making New Years resolutions, except to say that this year, I will meet my 10% goal for WW, plus an extra 6 pounds. That will almost put me back down to a number wich would make me CONSIDER being comfortable telling people what I weigh.
Last night, John and I went over to the RK apartment and hung out with Kim, Isaac, Aaron, Autumn, Sarah, Isaac and Kim's mom and Ferris, and we had so much fun! I'm not much of a games person, but I'll tell ya, watching a rousing game of Clue is the best! Today has been a pretty mellow day - Just getting errands done, and laundry that didn't get done yesterday. I went to Target today and bought 2 new yoga DVD's, because, sadly, my Rodney Yee VHS got warped at some point and now won't work. I got a Suzanne Deason one, and another one that's probably a little too intense for me today, but it looks cool, because it has 6 different work outs on it, one of them using hand weights! So that should be interesting. I'm really excited to get back into yoga, and as soon as I can afford it, I'm going to sign up to take yoga at a yoga studio again. There's one in downtown Dover that looks promising.
Anyway, I guess that's about it for now. But before I go, I need to revamp my Top list of things to do before my birthday. So here it is in it's (almost) completion.
My Big List
1. Take up yoga again
2. Meet my 10% goal, plus 6 pounds.
3. Join a gym or yoga studio and go!
4. Take ballroom/latin/swing dance lessons
5. Start writing in my prayer journal more
8. Walk more
9. Watch less TV
10. Read: The Cloister Trials, Quarter Life Crisis, The Color Purple, Random Passage and Knitting Under the Influence.
11. Talk to Stephanie and Josh once a month.
12. Get some nice professional pictures of John and I
13. Get to 2 more Mike Previti concerts!!!
14. Paint my computer room
15. Purchase a 5 or 6 foot tall book case for the computer room.
16. Learn to read knitting patterns
17. Knit a blanket
18. Find a new job/return to school for a career I want to pursue
19. Do yoga 4 times a week, at least.
20. Finish the scrapbook for my dad.
I figure 20 things is doable by the time I hit my birthday... 35 was kind of pushing it. These, however, are NOT New Years resolutions, as most of them were made several months ago.
Hope you all have a great 2007!
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