Monday, January 22, 2007

The big list again

My Big List
1. Take up yoga again
2. Meet my 10% goal, plus 6 pounds.
3. Join a gym or yoga studio and go!

4. Take ballroom/latin/swing dance lessons
5. Start writing in my prayer journal more

6. Finish Final Fantasy VIII, IX and X
7. Start nursing school
8. Walk more
9. Watch less TV
10. Read: The Cloister Trials, Quarter Life Crisis, The Color Purple, Random Passage and Knitting Under the Influence.
11. Talk to Stephanie and Josh once a month.
12. Get some nice professional pictures of John and I
13. Get to 2 more Mike Previti concerts!!!
14. Paint my computer room
15. Purchase a 5 or 6 foot tall book case for the computer room.
16. Learn to read knitting patterns
17. Knit a blanket
18. Find a new job/return to school for a career I want to pursue
19. Do yoga 4 times a week, at least.
20. Finish the scrapbook for my dad.

As you can see, the joining a gym thing is crossed off. This is because I have bought an elliptical machine to use at home. Yay!

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