Sunday, January 14, 2007

Sunday night... Now what?

It hasn't really hit me that I'm done at my job. it really just hasn't sunk in at all! My last day at the office was a rather uneventful one. I got all of my stuff closed, and I thought my supervisor was going to jump up and down for joy! Well, she pretty much did. Then, as I was leaving, the supervisor of my whole office gave me a card, and my supervisor gave me one that (almost) everyone in the office signed. It was really nice of them, and it made me kind of sad to see it all end! I don't think it will quite hit me until Tuesday when I don't have to get up for work.

I am looking forward to substitute teaching. It will be nice to know that I'll be able to get days off when I need them for doctors appointments, and the like. A guidance counselor position is opening up in a school, so I'm going to apply for that. It doesn't start until next school year, but if I can get that job, then all I'll need is something to hold me over until then - like the subbing, and then maybe something part time during the summer. We'll just have to see what happens. But keep your fingers crossed for this one, because that is what I really want to be doing right now!

Chris and Kim just left the house. It was nice to have them over for a little bit. They brought over the game Doodle Dice, which was pretty fun. John says he likes it better than Yahtzee. I like Yatzee better though.

I guess I can't think of much other news. Yay for the Patriots squeaking out a win in the 4th quarter today! That was an awesome game. John and I joke that now we need to have our next door neighbors over because they're Colts fans. Next weekend should be fun!

Okay, that really should do it for now...

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