Hannah is able to sleep up to a 4 1/2 hour stretch at night, but usually it's about 3 hours between feedings. Fortunately, we can do that three times in a row, so I still end up with about 8 hours of sleep when all is said and done.
Today we took her to church for the first time, and we got all sorts of compliments on her from people we didn't even know. It was a great feeling! She was excellent at mass too, she slept through half of it, woke up to eat, then just hung out quietly until it ended. Then she fell back asleep! She's napping now in preparation for her first Super Bowl. She's all dressed and ready for it - she's got on her little Patriots teeshirt, and she has a cap she can wear too, but it's miles to big for her.
Things with me are going fine too. I feel pretty good (though slightly sleep deprived), and have been healing nicely from the birth. John is doing well too. He went back to work this past Monday, and will have his vacation in about 3 weeks. My mom's sister and her husband are in town from Texas this week, and they will be coming over to meet Hannah on Thursday, which is exciting.
Anyway, other than that, I just have some new photos of Hannah to post:

She is precious!!
You know, I'm very glad for your blog. It gives me one more perspective on becoming a parent and doesn't make it seem so scary.
Congrats on your baby! I'm a "much older first-time mom" as of Sept 2006, so I know what you're going through.
Found your blog via Ravelry, spec. New England Fibah-heads.
Don't let anyone, and I mean ANYONE, give you any crap about formula feeding. I had to supplement with formula right from my daughter's birth (or else she would NOT have survived) and she's an amazingly healthy 16-month-old now. I was floored at how insensitive the boob nazis can be, but at my age I don't take nonsense from anyone. So hold your head high; your daughter will be fine and will thrive!
See you 'round Ravelry...
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