Anyway, Hannah did great at the doctors again - she's in the 95th percentile for hight, and the 75th for weight! Tall and skinny, that's what she is. Her nurse practitioner says she looks great!
I got the all clear from my doctor today to start working out and stuff again. I'm so excited! Now I've just got to decide if I want to join Curves or Planet Fitness. Decisions, decisions. I think it will all come down to which one costs less. I suppose that means that I have to start watching what I eat again, huh? Bummer. I was kind of hooked on Oreos and ice cream. :-) Just kidding (kind of). Since John is home on vacation next week, I will go to Curves to check them out, and if I like them, I'll sign up. If not, I'll go sign up at Planet Fitness.
There isn't much else going on right now. John is on vacation next week, which is AWESOME! I will love having him home with me - it makes caring for Hannah so much easier because if I'm doing something, he can tend to her. Plus, it will give us the chance to have some family time that isn't rushed because we only have two days together. I'm looking forward to that!
Last but not least: Photos! The first four are Hannah being a big girl and sitting on the couch. The last one is of her in her car seat modeling a sweater a woman John plays in Carter Mountain Brass Band with made for her. Wish I made it, but I didn't :-) I've got some things in the works for her though.

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