First up is this photo (below) of a baby blanket I am working on. I can't remember if I've posted a photo of it or not yet, so I figured I'd post one again to be safe. It's made with the Blue Sky Organic Cotton in the color "nut". This photo makes it look kind of dark, but it's not as dark as it looks.
Here we have the photo of the "Traditional Mabel Dress" from the "Simple Knits for Cherished Babies" book by Erika Knight. I'm knitting it with Baby Ull yarn in a Periwinkle color. It's going to take a while to do because the yarn is so fine, but it knits up well.

This is my second beret that I made for me. I used Blue Sky Organic cotton for it. It came out pretty well, but I'm not crazy about the yarn for it.

Now, moving on to the photos everyone REALLY wants to see:
This is Hannah on Valentines day. Her shirt says "Be Mine" with a puppy dressed like cupid. The back had little fuzzy wings on it. Her pants have hearts saying "Be Mine" and "Hug Me" on them.

February 15 - "Dad, is their food in your nose?"

February 16 - All bundled up and sound asleep :-)

February 17 - Hannah makes her modeling debut! She is modeling the Lilly Hat I made (I found the pattern while navigating Ravelry) The hat is made of Lion Bran Vanna's Choice (because I was in a pinch and couldn't get my hands on anything else thick enough) in Dusty Purple. I think it looks great!
Can I borrow you model sometime? Say, when she's 3-6 mos old and would look really good in a certain knit dress her favorite Janelle made her?
Of course you can! :-)
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