" 'Almost every mom-to-be has mixed feelings about having a baby,' says Lucy Puryear, M.D., author of Understanding Your Moods When You're Expecting. She told us the negative emotions women normally experience when they're pregnant - but are afraid to talk about.
" 'I hate being pregnant!' Morning sickness, fatigue, and other uncomfortable symptoms can make some women resent those nine months. But you shouldn't feel guilty. 'Just because you don't like everything that goes along with your pregnancy, that doesn't mean you aren't really excited to be a mother,' says Dr. Puryear.
" 'Will I be a good mom?' It's not just first-time moms who worry whether they're up to the job of raising a child. Even if you planned to have more kids, it's still normal to wonder whether you can handle a bigger family once you get pregnant again.
" 'I don't look like myself.' Freaking out about your expanding stomach doesn't mean you're vain, says Dr. Puryear: 'We're used to having control over our body, and it can be hard for some women to give up a little of that control during pregnancy.'
" 'What if my labor is a nightmare?' Most women are nervous enough about giving birth (How painful will it be? What if something goes wrong?), but friends, family, and even strangers can send your anxiety level into overdrive. 'As you get closer to your due date, people feel the need to tell you the worst delivery-room tales!' says Dr. Puryear. It's mystifying and rude - and irrelevant. You never know what giving birth will be like for you until it happens. Remember that most of the time, everything goes well."
So, now that I've read that, I feel much better in knowing that I'm not the first woman on earth to not be totally thrilled with my entire pregnancy, and that it's okay for me to want it to be over and done with (and not just for the benefit of being a mom after the fact).
Moving on:
Saturday morning we spent about 3 hours at the hospital because I was having terrible back pain, but no contractions. I also thought that I might have been leaking some amniotic fluid, but nothing really panned out. I was barely dilated still (only about 1cm - the width of a finger tip), and only about 20% effaced, which is definitely not going to get me anywhere with having a baby, since you have to be 10cm's dilated and 100% effaced. They ended up sending me home with exactly what we thought - back pain. *sigh*
Last night John and I went to the movies with our friend Andrew and saw National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets. If you saw the first one, the second one was much the same idea, and very enjoyable! As usual, the first is pretty much always better, but the second one was still really enjoyable too. I'm looking forward to going to see Narnia: Prince Caspian in May. I should probably re-read that book, since I don't really remember it. I've read The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe several times, but Prince Caspian only once. There are a few other things that are coming out that I'd like to see also, but I don't think John has any interest in them. I'd like to see Atonement, and I wanted to see August Rush, but that's not in theaters anymore. I'd also like to see I Am Legend, which I keep hearing is really good, but has some scary parts. We were lucky in that we got a gift card to Smitty's in Sanford for Christmas, as well as a coupon book that has coupons for the movie theater in Portsmouth in it - tickets for only $6!
John is home on a snow day today, which is nice. Not that we really do much on those days, but it's just nice having him around for an extra day :-) Of course, it really throws me off on days of the week. Now I keep thinking it's Sunday again, and it's not!
Knitting has been keeping me busy lately. I should put up some of the photos of things I've been working on lately, since they've all been resized in order to put them up on Ravelry. I don't know if people can see my profile or not, but I'll put the link to it also.
I also want to take a minute to share some photos of some things people have knit for me for the baby. I got a great baby sweater from Laura and some adorable bibs from Tina! Since I can't get our Yahoo! Group to put them in the album - some issue I'm having with my ISP talking to Yahoo! - I figured I'd put them here so people can see them!
I think that will do for now with all of my latest knitting endeavors. I'm not sure what else I have to share, since I feel like my life is an open book these days! Hopefully later this week I'll be back to put up pictures of my new little one in some of my knit creations, but until then...
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