Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Todays doctors appointment and ultrasound

For those of you that didn't realize it, my baby's due date is 2 weeks from today. Scary huh? So I definitely fall under the "very pregnant" category now, and I am getting to the point of very uncomfortable in my own body. My feet, ankles and legs are pretty consistently swollen, and I have a LOT of back pain.

My doctors office has had "concerns" (their word) about the size of the baby, so another ultrasound was ordered for this week. I had it today at 11:30 this morning. The baby was moving around in there, which made it hard for the measurements to be done, but we got them all! The baby is measuring at between 39 and 40 weeks, which is consistent with the fact that it was measuring around 36-37 weeks when I was at week 34. The baby also measured at weighing 7 pounds, 14 oz (give or take). This is concerning to me, because that means the baby could way over 9 pounds when he or she is born, at this rate. I'm pretty sure I'll hear an "I told you so" coming from my mother-in-law any time now. Both John and his brother were over 9 pounds when they were born, and his mom seems set that I suffer the same fate. At my follow up appointment this afternoon, my doctor checked my cervix, which she found to be "barely" dilated. That made me not very happy at all. In fact, I wanted to cry right then and there when she said that. I thought for sure I'd be a couple of centimeters at this point! Apparently not though. My doctor didn't seem all THAT concerned about the baby's size after the ultrasound, noting that the baby is big, but not to the point of having to have anything done at this point. I discussed the swelling and the back pain and basically all she could say is "yeah, the last few weeks are uncomfortable. Sucks, doesn't it?" I was surprised that she wasn't concerned about the sudden increase in the swelling, specifically.

Anyway, that's pretty much all the news for today. Wish I had something better to share. I'm going to go lay down again, because my back is killing me.

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