My Baby
Your baby's preparing for his arrival in just a few short weeks! This week, the protective vernix (that white, waxy coating that's keeping his skin safe) begins to thicken, ensuring his birthday suit stays smooth and well-moisturized during D-day. Your baby will likely arrive covered in the stuff, especially in the folds under his arms, behind his ears, and in the groin area. But it'll all be washed off very shortly after birth -- during his first-ever bath. (So adorable!) By now, your baby weighs around 5 pounds and may be as long as 20 inches, head to toe.
Your baby's preparing for his arrival in just a few short weeks! This week, the protective vernix (that white, waxy coating that's keeping his skin safe) begins to thicken, ensuring his birthday suit stays smooth and well-moisturized during D-day. Your baby will likely arrive covered in the stuff, especially in the folds under his arms, behind his ears, and in the groin area. But it'll all be washed off very shortly after birth -- during his first-ever bath. (So adorable!) By now, your baby weighs around 5 pounds and may be as long as 20 inches, head to toe.
My Body
You may feel like you've been seeing your doctor more than you see your best friend these days. You're likely visiting twice a month now, and starting in the next two weeks, she'll probably want to see you weekly until your baby's born. At these visits, your doc will keep tabs on the baby's growth and vitals. She'll monitor your cervix to see how much you've dilated -- a sign that labor's approaching.
And speaking of labor, does your belly feel a bit lighter these days? Called dropping, lightening, or engagement, it's common around this time, as your baby settles lower into your pelvis to get ready for her big move outta there. Another labor signal to watch for is extra-thick vaginal discharge that's pink or even a bit blood-tinged. It's the start of -- excuse the yuck factor here -- your mucus plug dropping. The mucus plug is a ball of tissue that's been blocking your cervix during pregnancy to keep your uterus safe from germs. Losing your plug doesn't mean that labor's starting ASAP, though. Many women lose their plugs up to two weeks before labor officially begins.
You may feel like you've been seeing your doctor more than you see your best friend these days. You're likely visiting twice a month now, and starting in the next two weeks, she'll probably want to see you weekly until your baby's born. At these visits, your doc will keep tabs on the baby's growth and vitals. She'll monitor your cervix to see how much you've dilated -- a sign that labor's approaching.
And speaking of labor, does your belly feel a bit lighter these days? Called dropping, lightening, or engagement, it's common around this time, as your baby settles lower into your pelvis to get ready for her big move outta there. Another labor signal to watch for is extra-thick vaginal discharge that's pink or even a bit blood-tinged. It's the start of -- excuse the yuck factor here -- your mucus plug dropping. The mucus plug is a ball of tissue that's been blocking your cervix during pregnancy to keep your uterus safe from germs. Losing your plug doesn't mean that labor's starting ASAP, though. Many women lose their plugs up to two weeks before labor officially begins.
My Life
Been pondering how you'd like your baby to enter the world? Granted, you can't totally control what will happen during labor, but you're bound to have preferences about some things, like relieving pain, who'll keep you company, and what'll make labor easier on you (a designated coach or having your iPod handy, for example). This is why birth plans were invented: So that you, your partner, and your doctor will all be on the same page when it comes to how you'd like things to go -- in a very ideal world, of course. Some women are comfortable enough with a thorough talk with their doctors and partners; others might feel more at ease by putting it all down on paper. If you do draft a birth plan, be sure to keep it short and to-the-point -- one page or less. Doctors and nurses might glaze over if they're handed your version of War and Peace.
Been pondering how you'd like your baby to enter the world? Granted, you can't totally control what will happen during labor, but you're bound to have preferences about some things, like relieving pain, who'll keep you company, and what'll make labor easier on you (a designated coach or having your iPod handy, for example). This is why birth plans were invented: So that you, your partner, and your doctor will all be on the same page when it comes to how you'd like things to go -- in a very ideal world, of course. Some women are comfortable enough with a thorough talk with their doctors and partners; others might feel more at ease by putting it all down on paper. If you do draft a birth plan, be sure to keep it short and to-the-point -- one page or less. Doctors and nurses might glaze over if they're handed your version of War and Peace.
I finally got that cyst taken care of yesterday. I'm sure no one wants the gory details, but lets just say that I feel MUCH better after being seen by the doctor. I ache slightly from the actual proceedure, but nothing that some Tylenol can't make better. I haven't had to dip into the Percocet I was given from the ER doctor, which makes me happy. I've had to take more Tylenol than I'd like, but at least I know that's safe for me and the baby.
I'm SO excited about the shower this weekend! It should be so much fun, and I am so excited to see the people who come! I've been slowly finding out who will be there, but I don't know everyone that's coming (my mom has been trying to keep it as much of a surprise as possible). John and I are going to be kicked out of the house for a few hours on Sunday morning (we're staying over Saturday night), so we're trying to figure out what to do that morning. We'll probably go to church, if we can, because it's the first day of Advent. We're also going to get our Christmas tree that day, so we've got a few things planned. That's about as far as we've gotten though!
I'm going to go shopping at Babies 'R' Us tomorrow because they'll be having a sale, and we still have all those gift cards to use up! There are some things from our registry that we won't get (I figure by now, if people haven't bought something off the registry, they probably won't), and there are some things that I didn't even think of (like, crib sheets and Pack 'n' Play sheets) that we'll need. I'm thinking about going to the Christmas Tree Shop tomorrow too, since John and I need to start gearing up for the RK Christmas Party on the 23rd.
1 comment:
Hey, I'm really glad to hear that the cyst is all fixed. Something you REALLY don't need right now!
Hope you have a great time at the shower this weekend. I'm working this weekend but I'll keep an eye on the WW board.
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