Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Back pain update

Okay, so Sunday, I finally called the on call doctor for my OB's office because of the random lump I found on my tailbone, and the pain it was causing. I was in so much pain I couldn't sit, lay down, stand up, nothing. I was hoping they would diagnose it as a cyst and they would lance it. The OB decided that I should go to the ER so that it could be checked out and probably lanced. So, John (my awesome, wonderful husband) brought me to the ER, where we spent the better part of two hours just waiting - almost an hour of that was just in the waiting room alone, but you all know how it is in ERs. The doctor came in and looked at the cyst (which is exactly what it turned out to be - a pilonidal cyst), and decided that it was too early for it to be able to be lanced, so he decided to treat it with a course of antibiotics. I haven't noticed anything getting better about it yet, and I'm getting annoyed, but I digress. I was given a 2 week medical note to be out of work, my guess is because sitting for too long can actually make it worse (based on what I found out online).

I started physical therapy for my actual back pain (not cyst related) today, and starting tomorrow I get to try a course of aqua-therapy. That's alright with me, I like the idea of getting to play in a pool for an hour. Of course, if I have to have the cyst opened at all, that will change all of that.

Anyway, that's the update for there... I'm looking forward to my baby shower on Sunday! It will be a lot of fun! Oh, and some sad news too - a good friend of the family passed away on Thanksgiving, which was very sad. For those of you that knew Pat H. (from Hancock), she died on Thursday, and her funeral will be this Saturday at 2pm at the church in town.

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