My Baby
It's time for another growth spurt! (You've been hearing that a lot lately, huh?) For the next eight weeks, your baby's gaining more weight than height -- and she's pushing nearly 4 pounds now! (FYI, the bigger your baby grows, the harder it will be to get an accurate size update via ultrasound. But be assured that she's fattening up and getting nice and ready for life on the outside.) This week also boasts some exciting reproductive developments. Having a boy? His testicles are now moving from their current location near his kidneys down to his scrotum. And if you've got a girl in there, her clitoris has now fully formed.
It's time for another growth spurt! (You've been hearing that a lot lately, huh?) For the next eight weeks, your baby's gaining more weight than height -- and she's pushing nearly 4 pounds now! (FYI, the bigger your baby grows, the harder it will be to get an accurate size update via ultrasound. But be assured that she's fattening up and getting nice and ready for life on the outside.) This week also boasts some exciting reproductive developments. Having a boy? His testicles are now moving from their current location near his kidneys down to his scrotum. And if you've got a girl in there, her clitoris has now fully formed.
My Body
Your hardworking body may feel like it's putting in overtime these days, making some less-than-subtle preparations for your upcoming labor. For one thing, you may now notice more hip and lower-back pain. What gives? Pregnancy hormones are relaxing the ligaments and tendons throughout your pelvic area, so the bones can spread to make room for delivery. Your expanding uterus may also be putting some pressure on the sciatic nerves that run from your lower back down through your legs, triggering chronic tingling or numbness down your butt and thighs -- a condition called sciatica. But it's usually not serious, it won't affect the baby, and it will likely become less intense as she shifts around in there.
Your hardworking body may feel like it's putting in overtime these days, making some less-than-subtle preparations for your upcoming labor. For one thing, you may now notice more hip and lower-back pain. What gives? Pregnancy hormones are relaxing the ligaments and tendons throughout your pelvic area, so the bones can spread to make room for delivery. Your expanding uterus may also be putting some pressure on the sciatic nerves that run from your lower back down through your legs, triggering chronic tingling or numbness down your butt and thighs -- a condition called sciatica. But it's usually not serious, it won't affect the baby, and it will likely become less intense as she shifts around in there.
My Life
If you're planning to go back to work -- either full- or part-time -- then it's never too soon to start thinking about your baby-watching options. You've got three basic choices here: An in-home nanny, au pair, or relative; a daycare center; or family daycare (in someone else's home). There are pros and cons to each, and you may already have leanings one way or another. Aside from the obvious considerations (your budget, what's available), there are a host of other things you and your partner should consider. Do you feel strongly that your baby be cared for in your own home? Would you prefer a center that's closer to your work or home? In-demand daycare facilities may have a waiting list, so go for a tour and sign up now. Going the nanny route? Finding someone you love and trust can take time. Give friends and coworkers a heads-up that you're looking so they can pass along names. You'll probably start the interviewing process a few weeks after baby's born, depending on how soon you plan to hit the working world again. And if you're interested in hiring a baby nurse (to help you adjust to those exhausting and sometimes overwhelming few days and weeks after you bring baby home), now's the time to start seeking recommendations too.
If you're planning to go back to work -- either full- or part-time -- then it's never too soon to start thinking about your baby-watching options. You've got three basic choices here: An in-home nanny, au pair, or relative; a daycare center; or family daycare (in someone else's home). There are pros and cons to each, and you may already have leanings one way or another. Aside from the obvious considerations (your budget, what's available), there are a host of other things you and your partner should consider. Do you feel strongly that your baby be cared for in your own home? Would you prefer a center that's closer to your work or home? In-demand daycare facilities may have a waiting list, so go for a tour and sign up now. Going the nanny route? Finding someone you love and trust can take time. Give friends and coworkers a heads-up that you're looking so they can pass along names. You'll probably start the interviewing process a few weeks after baby's born, depending on how soon you plan to hit the working world again. And if you're interested in hiring a baby nurse (to help you adjust to those exhausting and sometimes overwhelming few days and weeks after you bring baby home), now's the time to start seeking recommendations too.
Well, today I go back to the doctors, but just for a regular check up. I'm not sure if she'll check to see that the the infection is gone, but I would suspect that she would. I'll probably ask her about it. Otherwise, I'm not expecting this to be an eventful check up, which is probably a good thing. It doesn't seem like anything abnormal is going on after what happened last week.
I don't think there is much else going on now... We have 4 more child birthing classes this month, and then they will be done, so that will be good. I hope the nurse that does the next 4 classes is more energetic than the nurse that did the first two, because she practically had John and I asleep! Granted, we were watching videos and making fun of them the whole time. That made it fun for us!
Oh, and on the baby shower front - when it rains, it pours, huh? I now have found out that we're having 3 showers! :-) One of our friends sent me an e-mail the other day and said that she and the people in her house want to throw us a shower, but they needed some dates. So I guess we're looking at Nov. 18th for that one. That's so exciting! Thanks guys!
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