My Baby
Can you believe you're already a week into your last trimester? Sooo exciting. By this week, all of your baby's bones have fully developed, although they haven't finished hardening so they're still soft and flexible. For many weeks now, she's been listening to the sound of your voice and your partner's -- and anyone else who's regularly in belly range. Chatting up your baby is a great way to help her ID your voice, of course, but did you know it could also make her smarter? Research suggests that babies whose parents gabbed away throughout pregnancy recognize and turn toward those familiar voices immediately after birth. And some evidence suggests that talking to your baby may boost her verbal skills later in life. Speaking of boosts, your baby is getting stronger by the minute. This week, her pushes, kicks, and rolls will likely occur more frequently -- and forcefully. So don't be surprised if you feel a karate chop or two!
Can you believe you're already a week into your last trimester? Sooo exciting. By this week, all of your baby's bones have fully developed, although they haven't finished hardening so they're still soft and flexible. For many weeks now, she's been listening to the sound of your voice and your partner's -- and anyone else who's regularly in belly range. Chatting up your baby is a great way to help her ID your voice, of course, but did you know it could also make her smarter? Research suggests that babies whose parents gabbed away throughout pregnancy recognize and turn toward those familiar voices immediately after birth. And some evidence suggests that talking to your baby may boost her verbal skills later in life. Speaking of boosts, your baby is getting stronger by the minute. This week, her pushes, kicks, and rolls will likely occur more frequently -- and forcefully. So don't be surprised if you feel a karate chop or two!
My Body
Most parents-to-be -- especially if they're first-timers -- attend childbirth classes during the third trimester. You may want to, too, Many moms say the classes helped them feel more relaxed, confident, and prepared for labor. It's also a fantastic way to meet other expectant parents and make contacts for future baby play dates, especially during the early months when you're home from work.
These classes are offered at most hospitals and birthing centers, and your doctor or midwife can also recommend good ones in your area (if you haven't signed up already). Look for an experienced and personable instructor with solid references, a small class size, and a varied program -- one that includes lectures, tours of the birthing facility, and videos of different types of birth experiences. All of these things (particularly the video, as much as the thought of it might freak you out) can help take the mystery out of childbirth and show you that the results -- those beautiful babies! -- are well worth the, um, labor.
Most parents-to-be -- especially if they're first-timers -- attend childbirth classes during the third trimester. You may want to, too, Many moms say the classes helped them feel more relaxed, confident, and prepared for labor. It's also a fantastic way to meet other expectant parents and make contacts for future baby play dates, especially during the early months when you're home from work.
These classes are offered at most hospitals and birthing centers, and your doctor or midwife can also recommend good ones in your area (if you haven't signed up already). Look for an experienced and personable instructor with solid references, a small class size, and a varied program -- one that includes lectures, tours of the birthing facility, and videos of different types of birth experiences. All of these things (particularly the video, as much as the thought of it might freak you out) can help take the mystery out of childbirth and show you that the results -- those beautiful babies! -- are well worth the, um, labor.
So here we go - week 29!! It's going so fast! That's all anyone tells you when you first tell them you're pregnant: "Enjoy this time! It goes by so fast!" (Well, that and "Get your sleep now while you still can, because you won't once the baby comes!") And it really has gone fast, but it's not always fun and pleasant. Going to sleep at night has become a daily battle for me. Not because I'm super hugely pregnant, but because I get restless at night before bed. I've found a cold shower helps this, because then all I want to do is snuggle down under the blankets. I have one person in particular (who shall remain nameless) whom I can't even complain about discomforts to, because all they want to say is to just think about the end result (or whatever it is that they say). I just want to say "Well, duh! I know where this is going!! But thinking about that isn't going to make me feel better! My back hurts now!"
Anyway, moving on... I had my one hour glucose test yesterday. I should be getting the results of that sometime today. If it comes back elevated, I'll have to go back in for a 3 hour test. These tests are to check for gestational diabetes, which wouldn't shock me in the least if I had it. Actually, I think I'd be more suprised to find out I didn't. I only say this, because I have so many of the risk factors for it. But I won't complain if it comes back that I don't!
That's about it for now. I have to work today, which I'm not really looking forward to, but oh well. Need to be able to afford diapers somehow! :-) Speaking of - am I totally crazy for already starting to pack for the hospital at 29 weeks?
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