My Baby
This is it -- the home stretch! You've now officially entered the third and final trimester. But here's the biggie development news this week: After being sealed shut for many months, your baby's eyes will begin to open and close this week. Even if you could peek at the color of his peepers now though, they might not stay that color, as baby's eyes can change up until he's 6 months to a year old (especially if your little guy is born with baby blues).
He's also probably banging around like mad in there -- except when he's sleeping. Yep, your baby is snoozing on a regular schedule, but in very short spurts (only about 20 to 30 minutes at a time). Right now he weighs roughly 2.5 pounds and measures a little over 15 inches from head to toe (your baby's now big enough to get a better measurement this way, and he'll be stretching out fully when he's born in just a few weeks, so we've switched from crown-to-rump to whole-body length). Your doctor will track your baby's growth during checkups by gently pressing on your belly to feel where the top of your uterus is, also known as fundal height.
This is it -- the home stretch! You've now officially entered the third and final trimester. But here's the biggie development news this week: After being sealed shut for many months, your baby's eyes will begin to open and close this week. Even if you could peek at the color of his peepers now though, they might not stay that color, as baby's eyes can change up until he's 6 months to a year old (especially if your little guy is born with baby blues).
He's also probably banging around like mad in there -- except when he's sleeping. Yep, your baby is snoozing on a regular schedule, but in very short spurts (only about 20 to 30 minutes at a time). Right now he weighs roughly 2.5 pounds and measures a little over 15 inches from head to toe (your baby's now big enough to get a better measurement this way, and he'll be stretching out fully when he's born in just a few weeks, so we've switched from crown-to-rump to whole-body length). Your doctor will track your baby's growth during checkups by gently pressing on your belly to feel where the top of your uterus is, also known as fundal height.
My Body
Speaking of your uterus, it's grown impressively large. Normally it weighs about 2 ounces and holds less than half an ounce of fluid; now, it's expanded to house your baby, the placenta, and an entire quart of amniotic fluid. In fact, most of the side effects of late pregnancy are related to this uterine expansion -- including back pain, swelling in your feet and ankles, varicose veins, heartburn, hemorrhoids, itchy skin, and heartburn. But the good news is that many of these symptoms will go away as soon as the uterus starts shrinking after delivery.
Speaking of your uterus, it's grown impressively large. Normally it weighs about 2 ounces and holds less than half an ounce of fluid; now, it's expanded to house your baby, the placenta, and an entire quart of amniotic fluid. In fact, most of the side effects of late pregnancy are related to this uterine expansion -- including back pain, swelling in your feet and ankles, varicose veins, heartburn, hemorrhoids, itchy skin, and heartburn. But the good news is that many of these symptoms will go away as soon as the uterus starts shrinking after delivery.
My Life
For months, the most important medical authority in your life has been your ob-gyn or midwife, but that's about to change. It's time to pick the perfect pediatrician. If it seems way too early, know that your baby will be examined by a doc within minutes of being born -- and his first office visit will usually be just a few days later. To find the right one, start with the obvious: recommendations from friends with kids. These moms and dads will have an opinion, and they'll be more than happy to share it, trust us. Once you've got a hot tip, make sure the practice accepts your insurance, then schedule a consultation (some docs charge, as insurance won't always reimburse for a visit when there's no baby present). You want to get a sense of personality -- do you feel comfortable? -- and find out how easy it typically is to snag an appointment. Ask if there are any special arrangements for newborns. Do they make an effort to see the young ones first so that your teeny baby doesn't have to linger in the waiting room with all the runny-nosed big kids? Do they routinely run on schedule, or are long-ish waits frequent? Is there a private area where you could nurse if you do end up waiting a long time?
For months, the most important medical authority in your life has been your ob-gyn or midwife, but that's about to change. It's time to pick the perfect pediatrician. If it seems way too early, know that your baby will be examined by a doc within minutes of being born -- and his first office visit will usually be just a few days later. To find the right one, start with the obvious: recommendations from friends with kids. These moms and dads will have an opinion, and they'll be more than happy to share it, trust us. Once you've got a hot tip, make sure the practice accepts your insurance, then schedule a consultation (some docs charge, as insurance won't always reimburse for a visit when there's no baby present). You want to get a sense of personality -- do you feel comfortable? -- and find out how easy it typically is to snag an appointment. Ask if there are any special arrangements for newborns. Do they make an effort to see the young ones first so that your teeny baby doesn't have to linger in the waiting room with all the runny-nosed big kids? Do they routinely run on schedule, or are long-ish waits frequent? Is there a private area where you could nurse if you do end up waiting a long time?
Oh my goodness!!! This is it! Last three months! I can't believe it! Only 12 more weeks!!!! It's going to FLY by, and I'm SO excited! I have a confession - during my second trimester, I wasn't to sure about this whole "having a baby" thing. I didn't know if I really was ready for this. But that feeling is totally gone, and I'm SO excited! I'm nervous, but surprisingly relaxed about the whole thing! I just keep telling myself that things will happen when they happen, I have no control over any of the physical pregnancy, aside from what I eat and when I sleep. I've already written a birth plan, so I don't have to stress about that, and now I just need to find out if our current doctor will serve as a pediatrician, or if we need to find someone else.
In other news, John built me a new computer last week, which was great, until it died on Saturday. It was weird, because the computer wasn't even on! Saturday morning, I just got up and it wouldn't even turn on. We discovered the power supply and the motherboard had been fried. Along with that, the mouse, the keyboard and our scanner. Fortunately, it didn't fry my monitor or the printer. We ended up getting a new all in one printer/scanner/fax/copier for the house, which works great so far, so I'll be selling my old printer on ebay. Hopefully it will actually sell!
Anyway, I best get going. I need to get in the shower and try to figure out what to wear to work...
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