I am in my 28th week right now, which means that there are only 12 more weeks until my due date! I can't believe how fast this whole pregnancy has gone, and at the same time, I'm ready for it to be over so I can meet my new little family member!
Also, again, I've had a few questions come up about a shower. From what I understand, it is "traditionally" a female friend or the father-to-be's family that throws a baby shower for the expectant parents. With that in mind, I don't know anything about any baby showers that anyone may or may not be throwing for me, aside from the one that my dads family is doing jointly with a shower for a cousin who is also expecting a baby. I am not throwing my own shower. I don't want to appear to be asking for gifts, because that isn't the case. If you have questions about having a shower, my guess would be to direct it to my mom, since she would be the only person I can think of that would coordinate one. Don't get me wrong - would I like one? Absolutely. Am I going to throw one just so I can have one? No. That said, if anyone out there IS planning to throw a shower, please tell me when it is, because my weekends book up really fast this time of year. Also, if I DON'T have one, but you still want to get us something, we have registries at Target and Babies 'R' Us.
I apologize for sounding cranky or irritated in this post, because I'm really not. I think I'm just starting to get on edge because I can't give people an answer when they ask me a question. All I can say is that one hasn't been planned, and I don't think it's right to throw one for myself. No one would expect a bride to throw her own bridal shower, right?
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