I figured I'd updated everyone thus far on the week. I've been sick. There you have it. I think I've got some kind of flu, but it's lasted about 4 days. I called my doctors office finally and was able to get in for an appointment today at 1. I was out sick Monday and Tuesday, worked yesterday, but felt awful, then took off today again. I'm feeling awful about taking off the time when I've only got three weeks left at my job, but if I'm sick, I can't be passing it on to coworkers and clients. I e-mailed John today and jokingly said that maybe my doctor would write me a note allowing me to leave my job earlier without having to pay back the grant. But, it has happened - someone in the office told me that they've known other people in my position that have had letters written by their doctor so they could get out of the requirements, and I'm wondering if that would be the best idea for me.
I put in my application to the administrative secretary job at John's school yesterday. John dropped it off at the SAU. Apparently, I am one of 36 or 37 people that have applied for the job. Ugh. I was really excited about it, but now I doubt that I'll be even called for an interview. I'm putting in an application for a part time job at NHCTC in Stratham as a campus services coordinator. So I'm excited about that too. I'm going to get that in the mail today. It's only 29 hours a week, which is only 8.5 hours less per week than I work now, but at the least, I'll be making the same amount of money (when you break my salary down per hour).
So with this compiled with a bunch of family stuff going on right now, things have been stressful. I had a really good appointment with my therapist last night, and we'll see what happens with the doctors today. I'd love for the doctor to tell me that it's morning sickness, but I know it's not, because I took a test this morning, and it was negative. I guess it's the flu...
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Finally some good news!
I had my first Weight Watchers weigh in tonight - and wouldn't you know it? I lost three pounds this week! WAHOO!!! I'm really proud of myself, and I hope to keep it going!
Also, an administrative secretary job opened up at John's school today, and I'm desperately trying to get an application done for it. I e-mailed three people that are on my reference list to see if they would do letters of recommendation for me, but I hadn't heard back from ANY of them! I am DESPERATE to get in an application quickly, because I REALLY want that job! So everyone say a prayer for me okay?!
Is there anyone in the Rochester area that would be willing to bring my dog to the Blue Seal in Rochester this weekend so he can have his picture taken with Santa? I was so excited to do it, because the proceeds to go support a group home in Rochester. I can't take him now, because we have to go to my aunts funeral in Vermont that day. Granted, it's a very good reason to miss a photo with Santa, but I was really looking forward to doing it. I even got him a "Merry X-Mas" bandana, that has the X in X-mas as two dog bones!
Oh well. That's about all the news from here... only 1 month left at my job!
Also, an administrative secretary job opened up at John's school today, and I'm desperately trying to get an application done for it. I e-mailed three people that are on my reference list to see if they would do letters of recommendation for me, but I hadn't heard back from ANY of them! I am DESPERATE to get in an application quickly, because I REALLY want that job! So everyone say a prayer for me okay?!
Is there anyone in the Rochester area that would be willing to bring my dog to the Blue Seal in Rochester this weekend so he can have his picture taken with Santa? I was so excited to do it, because the proceeds to go support a group home in Rochester. I can't take him now, because we have to go to my aunts funeral in Vermont that day. Granted, it's a very good reason to miss a photo with Santa, but I was really looking forward to doing it. I even got him a "Merry X-Mas" bandana, that has the X in X-mas as two dog bones!
Oh well. That's about all the news from here... only 1 month left at my job!
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Still no news...
...on what's going on with my aunt. I haven't heard from my parents all day. I haven't wanted to call them, because I don't want to interrupt them in case they're in the middle of something really important. At the same time, I have been waiting for them to call me all day, and I haven't heard from them. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing, but I really asking that everyone pray as hard as they can for my aunt. I firmly believe that she could pull out of this if enough love, happy thoughts, and prayers are sent her way.
I guess on a bit of a lighter note, there isn't much other news to report. I tried to make fudge for the first time ever today. It was a recipe that I found on the Weight Watchers (WW) website, so we'll see how it comes out. If it sucks, I may have to try making something else for the party at work. If it comes out okay though, then I've got the batch already made. So I guess it's a win/win all the way around.
No one has an advent wreath they'd be willing to part with, do they? I wanted to make one, but I don't want to trekk all the way down to the AC Moore in Portsmouth to get the stuff to make one. I tried going to the Ben Franklin Crafts in Somersworth. I ended up with some really great yarn, and a new pair of bamboo knitting needles, but nothing to make an advent wreath with! They had the rings I could use, but they didn't have anything to use for candle holders. I guess it's a little late now, to be looking for an advent wreath.
Well, in the course of writing this, I just got word that it is all over... My aunt has passed away. Fortunately, my grandad was able to come up from Florida and say goodbye too. I was going to go over today, but it would have been a 5 hour drive, and I can't miss work tomorrow, especially since I don't know if I'll have to miss it for a funeral this week or not.
Anyway, I'm going to get going now.
I guess on a bit of a lighter note, there isn't much other news to report. I tried to make fudge for the first time ever today. It was a recipe that I found on the Weight Watchers (WW) website, so we'll see how it comes out. If it sucks, I may have to try making something else for the party at work. If it comes out okay though, then I've got the batch already made. So I guess it's a win/win all the way around.
No one has an advent wreath they'd be willing to part with, do they? I wanted to make one, but I don't want to trekk all the way down to the AC Moore in Portsmouth to get the stuff to make one. I tried going to the Ben Franklin Crafts in Somersworth. I ended up with some really great yarn, and a new pair of bamboo knitting needles, but nothing to make an advent wreath with! They had the rings I could use, but they didn't have anything to use for candle holders. I guess it's a little late now, to be looking for an advent wreath.
Well, in the course of writing this, I just got word that it is all over... My aunt has passed away. Fortunately, my grandad was able to come up from Florida and say goodbye too. I was going to go over today, but it would have been a 5 hour drive, and I can't miss work tomorrow, especially since I don't know if I'll have to miss it for a funeral this week or not.
Anyway, I'm going to get going now.
Saturday, December 9, 2006
Insert creative, witty subject line here
Well, John and I have been doing well getting all of the Christmas decorating done. We're hosting the RK gathering on the 23rd, which should be an adventure. Not in a bad way - though it will be interesting to see what happens with our dog and all the people over here trying to play spoons or DDR or whatever.
For the record, just because the gathering is happening at my house doesn't mean I'm playing spoons. I haven't played spoons since high school. There is a reason for that. Don't ask me to play, because I won't.
There, now that we've cleared that up...
I got some really sad news today - my Aunt Debbie, my dad's oldest sister, had a massive stroke this morning. Last weekend she was at my Aunt Joan's house, and she wasn't feeling so well. She was having double vision, and lines through her vision. She called her doctor, who said it was most likely an ocular migraine. So she called my mom, who talked to the doctor she works with. That doctor said "No, I think she should call a neurologist." So she did. They did an MRI of her head and a CT scan too. They couldn't find anything wrong. She got the results back on Thursday, and she called my parents so relieved that everything was fine. She had a few of her grandkids over at her house with her that night, and she was so happy that everything was okay. Then today, she went to the doctors, and the next thing, she was admitted into the hospital, and she had had a massive stroke. She was paralyzed on her left side, but she was able to call my uncle (my dad has 3 siblings). I don't really know what happened after that, but the next thing, she was in a vegitative state on life support. As soon as they shut off the life support, she will die. They've been waiting to do that until her daughter, one of my cousins, makes it to Vermont. My cousin was on vacation in Las Vegas, and was trying to get the next flight out. Which means that by this time tomorrow, my aunt will have likely passed away.
I don't really know what to think about this. This is the second death in my family this year. My poor Granddad (my dads dad) has now outlived his wife and one of his children. I keep wondering if I talked to my Aunt when we had our Thanksgiving get together. Not that it would bring her back to life if I had, but I don't even remember saying hi, or hugging her, or saying good bye, or even Happy Thanksgiving. It's amazing what loosing a relative makes you realize. And her death has affected me even more than I would have expected. I always felt like she was the most supportive person on my dads side of the family (my father aside). I guess I felt the closest to her than any of my other relatives on that side. I felt like she was always interested in me and what I was doing. I'm so grateful that I was able to get married before she, and my grandfather, passed away this year. I wish my Grampa M. had been alive to see it though.
It just makes me realize that I need to start really doing the things I love more. I'm taking the first step by having joined Weight Watchers. So far, that's making me really happy, knowing I've made a healthy, positive change in my life. Second, I'm leaving my job that makes me miserable. That's really important to me too.
I'm going to finish this later...
For the record, just because the gathering is happening at my house doesn't mean I'm playing spoons. I haven't played spoons since high school. There is a reason for that. Don't ask me to play, because I won't.
There, now that we've cleared that up...
I got some really sad news today - my Aunt Debbie, my dad's oldest sister, had a massive stroke this morning. Last weekend she was at my Aunt Joan's house, and she wasn't feeling so well. She was having double vision, and lines through her vision. She called her doctor, who said it was most likely an ocular migraine. So she called my mom, who talked to the doctor she works with. That doctor said "No, I think she should call a neurologist." So she did. They did an MRI of her head and a CT scan too. They couldn't find anything wrong. She got the results back on Thursday, and she called my parents so relieved that everything was fine. She had a few of her grandkids over at her house with her that night, and she was so happy that everything was okay. Then today, she went to the doctors, and the next thing, she was admitted into the hospital, and she had had a massive stroke. She was paralyzed on her left side, but she was able to call my uncle (my dad has 3 siblings). I don't really know what happened after that, but the next thing, she was in a vegitative state on life support. As soon as they shut off the life support, she will die. They've been waiting to do that until her daughter, one of my cousins, makes it to Vermont. My cousin was on vacation in Las Vegas, and was trying to get the next flight out. Which means that by this time tomorrow, my aunt will have likely passed away.
I don't really know what to think about this. This is the second death in my family this year. My poor Granddad (my dads dad) has now outlived his wife and one of his children. I keep wondering if I talked to my Aunt when we had our Thanksgiving get together. Not that it would bring her back to life if I had, but I don't even remember saying hi, or hugging her, or saying good bye, or even Happy Thanksgiving. It's amazing what loosing a relative makes you realize. And her death has affected me even more than I would have expected. I always felt like she was the most supportive person on my dads side of the family (my father aside). I guess I felt the closest to her than any of my other relatives on that side. I felt like she was always interested in me and what I was doing. I'm so grateful that I was able to get married before she, and my grandfather, passed away this year. I wish my Grampa M. had been alive to see it though.
It just makes me realize that I need to start really doing the things I love more. I'm taking the first step by having joined Weight Watchers. So far, that's making me really happy, knowing I've made a healthy, positive change in my life. Second, I'm leaving my job that makes me miserable. That's really important to me too.
I'm going to finish this later...
Sunday, December 3, 2006
Nothing really to report
I don't have any real news, but I figured after two quiz postings, I should do a real update.
So... I'm still leaving my job on the 12th of January, and I CANNOT wait. I'm so excited to get into something new and different. I'm really hoping to sort out if I want to be in the school environment, or if I want to go back to nursing school, because they both totally have their perks. Of course, I could always go to nursing school, then become a school nurse, that would be fun. But I don't know. It would be really nice to work on a similar schedule to John, because then when we get around to having kids, we'll have the times the kids are with a sitter, and then the times that we're both home. Unless one of us goes out to do something like John at rehearsals, or me at... something. So for the time being, I'm set up to substitute in Laconia. But I've got to find something more permanent than that. I keep perusing the help wanted ads on schoolspring.com but have yet to come across something I can do that's a decent drive from here. I'm going to pick up the Sunday paper today and see what's in that. I've applied for a guidance counselor position in Farmington, and I've also applied for a social worker position at Exeter Hospital, but never heard back on either one. It's hard, because I'm still with the state for another 5 or 6 weeks, and most places are looking for someone who can start immediately.
Other than that, I really don't have much to write about. So I'm going to go see if I have time to finish FFIX before mass or if I should wait until this afternoon
So... I'm still leaving my job on the 12th of January, and I CANNOT wait. I'm so excited to get into something new and different. I'm really hoping to sort out if I want to be in the school environment, or if I want to go back to nursing school, because they both totally have their perks. Of course, I could always go to nursing school, then become a school nurse, that would be fun. But I don't know. It would be really nice to work on a similar schedule to John, because then when we get around to having kids, we'll have the times the kids are with a sitter, and then the times that we're both home. Unless one of us goes out to do something like John at rehearsals, or me at... something. So for the time being, I'm set up to substitute in Laconia. But I've got to find something more permanent than that. I keep perusing the help wanted ads on schoolspring.com but have yet to come across something I can do that's a decent drive from here. I'm going to pick up the Sunday paper today and see what's in that. I've applied for a guidance counselor position in Farmington, and I've also applied for a social worker position at Exeter Hospital, but never heard back on either one. It's hard, because I'm still with the state for another 5 or 6 weeks, and most places are looking for someone who can start immediately.
Other than that, I really don't have much to write about. So I'm going to go see if I have time to finish FFIX before mass or if I should wait until this afternoon
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