Thursday, December 21, 2006

A week in review

I figured I'd updated everyone thus far on the week. I've been sick. There you have it. I think I've got some kind of flu, but it's lasted about 4 days. I called my doctors office finally and was able to get in for an appointment today at 1. I was out sick Monday and Tuesday, worked yesterday, but felt awful, then took off today again. I'm feeling awful about taking off the time when I've only got three weeks left at my job, but if I'm sick, I can't be passing it on to coworkers and clients. I e-mailed John today and jokingly said that maybe my doctor would write me a note allowing me to leave my job earlier without having to pay back the grant. But, it has happened - someone in the office told me that they've known other people in my position that have had letters written by their doctor so they could get out of the requirements, and I'm wondering if that would be the best idea for me.

I put in my application to the administrative secretary job at John's school yesterday. John dropped it off at the SAU. Apparently, I am one of 36 or 37 people that have applied for the job. Ugh. I was really excited about it, but now I doubt that I'll be even called for an interview. I'm putting in an application for a part time job at NHCTC in Stratham as a campus services coordinator. So I'm excited about that too. I'm going to get that in the mail today. It's only 29 hours a week, which is only 8.5 hours less per week than I work now, but at the least, I'll be making the same amount of money (when you break my salary down per hour).

So with this compiled with a bunch of family stuff going on right now, things have been stressful. I had a really good appointment with my therapist last night, and we'll see what happens with the doctors today. I'd love for the doctor to tell me that it's morning sickness, but I know it's not, because I took a test this morning, and it was negative. I guess it's the flu...

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