Sunday, December 10, 2006

Still no news...

...on what's going on with my aunt. I haven't heard from my parents all day. I haven't wanted to call them, because I don't want to interrupt them in case they're in the middle of something really important. At the same time, I have been waiting for them to call me all day, and I haven't heard from them. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing, but I really asking that everyone pray as hard as they can for my aunt. I firmly believe that she could pull out of this if enough love, happy thoughts, and prayers are sent her way.

I guess on a bit of a lighter note, there isn't much other news to report. I tried to make fudge for the first time ever today. It was a recipe that I found on the Weight Watchers (WW) website, so we'll see how it comes out. If it sucks, I may have to try making something else for the party at work. If it comes out okay though, then I've got the batch already made. So I guess it's a win/win all the way around.

No one has an advent wreath they'd be willing to part with, do they? I wanted to make one, but I don't want to trekk all the way down to the AC Moore in Portsmouth to get the stuff to make one. I tried going to the Ben Franklin Crafts in Somersworth. I ended up with some really great yarn, and a new pair of bamboo knitting needles, but nothing to make an advent wreath with! They had the rings I could use, but they didn't have anything to use for candle holders. I guess it's a little late now, to be looking for an advent wreath.

Well, in the course of writing this, I just got word that it is all over... My aunt has passed away. Fortunately, my grandad was able to come up from Florida and say goodbye too. I was going to go over today, but it would have been a 5 hour drive, and I can't miss work tomorrow, especially since I don't know if I'll have to miss it for a funeral this week or not.

Anyway, I'm going to get going now.

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