Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Good news!

So yesterday started off great - I happened to switch to the Concord radio station, which I don't listen to all that often anymore, just in time to catch the trivia question for the morning. I happened to know the answer (well, I was able to figure it out, anyway) and so I tried to call, but it was busy. My rule is to try and call in 5 times, and if you don't get through, then oh well. So on the 5th time, I got through, and I was right! Cool! So what did I win, you ask? Two tickets to go see Lifehouse in concert on April 21st!!!! So John and I will be going to that, and that is cool!

Next, we officially put in the offer on that house, which was stressfull, making sure that everything got signed, done, etc. But that was good to get that in. I was so wound up about it last night I couldn't stand it! And, of course, I started checking my e-mail every 5 minutes starting at 8am this morning. Then I got it - the e-mail from our realtor: Congratulations, your offer was accepted!!!! W00P W00P!!!!!!!!! So we're having our home inspection on the 27th at 9am, and after that, we'll be good to go! I'm trying not to get too too excited about it until after the home inspection, because (knock on wood) there could always be a problem that no one is aware of. So everyone think happy thoughts that day that nothing goes wrong! Right now the closing is scheduled for May 19th.

The most frustrating thing at this point is that it's hard to tell if my dad is very excited about the house. My mom is, but like, when I was describing the deck to my dad, he was like "Oh... it's on the front of the house?" And just stuff like that. It's like, I just wanted to say "Hey, Dad - just be excited for us, okay? We know that we like it, it's not like we randomly picked a house that we didn't go look at." But I didn't. I just kind of chalked it up to him probably being tired, because he had a full day meeting today and he didn't get home until close to 7:45 tonight.

Anyway, it's definitely time for bed. American Idol is over now, so it's time to sleep!

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