Thursday, March 9, 2006

Another borning update

There really isn't too much going on right now... home sick from work today - woo hoo! I hate being sick - especially when you don't really know what's going on with you. It feels like a flu, but not really. I don't know. So I took my first official sick day from work. I've actually got to call my supervisor when I finish this post so I can talk to her about some meetings I had scheduled today that need to be rescheduled.
So anyway, John and I are going to look at few more houses this coming weekend, which is REALLY exciting, because we're pretty sure we're going to find something. I can't wait! There's two places I'm REALLY excited about seeing, one in New Durham and one in Farmington. There's also a nice cape in Alton that we're excited about seeing. I hope they look as nice in real life as they do on the internet! I'm just waiting to hear back from the realter. It was ironic this morning that on Good Morning America, they had a segment about how to save thousands of dollars in closing costs. I took some notes, so hopefully we'll be able to save a little money there too.
I wish I had some more exciting stuff to talk about, but I really don't, unless anyone wants to hear about how yucky I feel right now, which I doubt. I feel like I should have a fever, but every time I take my temp, it comes back saying my temp is like... 94.5 or 95.5. And like... I'm insatiably hungry, but nothing tastes good. It's driving me nuts!
Okay, enough about that... I'll post again sometime after John and I go look at houses this weekend. Who knows, maybe we'll be able to say that we put in an offer!

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