Today I plan on spending a lot of the day getting my e-mail address book updated and other stuch stuff, so I'll be doing that today. If anyone has any new contact information I should have, please send it my way.
I also spent some time having to have all of my photos moved from Yahoo! Photos to Shutterfly, because Yahoo! Photos is shutting down. I opted to go with Shutterfly because I'll still have the option of being able to have photos sent to Target to get them picked up. Fortunately, Yahoo! and Shutterfly took care of all the hard work for me. Now I've just got to work on updating some of the albums.
Lets see, what else is new... Oh! We have been been graciously given TONS of baby hand-me-downs this week! Lots from Matt, Martha and the crew in Hancock, and some from Kate and Tim, some of our neighbors on our street, after not selling nearly as much as they thought they would at their yardsale yesterday! Our whole room is practially done now! It's amazing!
Speaking of baby stuff...

At the end of this week, your baby officially enters the second trimester of development. Although only 3 inches from crown to rump and weighing just half an ounce, she looks, well, human! Her eyes have moved from the sides of her head to the front, and her ears are in their normal position. She's also got reflexes--if you prod her, she'll squirm (although you still won't feel it), and her hands and feet respond to stimuli by closing or clenching.
What else is new... I'm in the process of applying for a teaching job in Epping, a math and science job for 6th grade. Not my ideal, but it would get me certified for elementary ed., and then I could move on to something different. I'm still trying to figure out my ideal work situation for after the baby is here, but it seems that there will never be the "ideal" job, so I'll have to just be some what picky. I am going to go through todays paper and see what they have to offer in there.
John did not get the job at Spaulding High School that we were hoping for. But at least he is happy with his current job. He said today too that he wasn't entirely sure about working with high school kids anyway, so this may be the best thing for him right now. I'm kind of glad that he's not leaving, because at least we'll know that our insurance is secure while the baby is on the way. After we have the baby, THEN we can change insurances!
Alright, I guess that's enough for today... I need to get some muffins in the oven... gotta love those random cravings! At least the craving is for blueberry muffins!
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