Barely 4 inches long and less than 2 ounces, your baby's doing some pretty remarkable stuff for such a mini thing. For example, by the end of this week, she'll be able to form a fist with her teeny hands! Hair is also sprouting on her head now, as are the beginnings of two tiny eyebrows. These days, her body is covered by a layer of ultra-fine hair, called lanugo, which will help protect her delicate skin until birth.
Your baby's body is growing faster than her head now, balancing out the brain-heavy look she's had until this point. Her heart is hard at work pumping about 25 quarts of blood a day; when she's born, that number will increase to nearly 300 quarts a day. Her skeleton continues to take shape this week, with more bone building and muscle development every day.
On Wednesday, John and I went to the doctors, and we got to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time! What a cool, cool thing! I kind of wanted to cry, but I didn't think that would be appropriate, especially since John was sitting on the other side of the room, so it was just me and my doctor. But still, it was awesome! I told a friend that hearing that little heartbeat was the best, because it gave me some reassurance that all was well with the baby still.
I learned how to knit mittens finally! I still have some issues with attaching the thumbs, but I'm hoping to get together with a friend who can help me with this. I made some out of a great Alpaca/Acrylic blend. Well, I've made one, I need to finish the second one still, but I can pump one out in about 3 hours, if I knit straight through. So that's good, because that means I can make a ton of them and sell them at the craft fair! Depending on the yarn I use, I can vary the sizes. I've figured out some small kids sizes, and I've gotten down the adult size, more or less. Some of it could use some tweaking with more or less rows, because the way the pattern is, it fits me just right, and I like my mittens a little roomy. I'm going to work on trying to pump out a few hats too, and we shall see how that works. There is one in the newest issue of KnitSimple that is supposed to take only a few hours. I think I'll give that one a go when I master the mitten!
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