From now on, your baby may start to get the hiccups every once in a while, triggered by the involuntary movements of his diaphragm. (In adults this is followed by the closure of our vocal cords, which is what makes that familiar "hic" sound.) But because your baby's throat is filled with fluid instead of air, his fetal hiccups don't make a sound. By the sixth month, you'll actually be able to feel your baby's hiccups as they happen. They'll make your belly jump, which is so fun to see and feel!And your little guy -- now about 3 ounces and between 4 and 5 inches long -- is becoming quite expressive these days. His facial muscles are sophisticated enough for him to squint, frown, or smirk -- although these motions aren't actually linked to any internal emotions he's feeling. By the way, if you're having a girl, millions of eggs are forming in her ovaries this week -- your future grandchildren!
So, I can definitely feel the baby moving at least once a day now, which is really cool! I wish I could feel it on a more regular track, but still, movement is movement, and I should be happy with whatever I feel!
My mom took me shopping last night, and I got a ton of new tops, a pair of maternity capris, some other capris that are plus size, but just too big, and even some baby clothes hangers! My mom even bought some little socks (Oh my goodness, they are SOOO cute!) and some caps. I'm so excited to get more baby clothes!!!
Part of me really wants to find out if we're having a boy or a girl, so I think if we can find out at our next ultrasound, we will. I didn't want to for a long, long time, but I think it will be easier as far as buying clothes goes. So I guess we'll do it. :-)
Anyway, we've got a thunderstorm in the area so I'm going to run.