1. Do you really make wishes when you blow out the candles on your cake?
2. Have any of the wishes ever come true, if yes?
Yes, they absolutely have!
3. How do you feel about birthdays? (e.g., love the attention, just another day, don't want anyone to know my real age, etc.)
I love having the attention, but at the same time, I hate having a big deal made of it. It makes me sad when I don't hear from people though. So thanks to all you who sent me happy birthday wishes!
4. Tell us a favorite gift you've received, or something you'd really like for your next birthday.
John gave me a hammock for the back yard this year! Fucking dog...
5. What flavor cake?
I like marble personally
And from [info]fortysomething The Friday Four:
1. How far back can you trace your roots? Does your family tree have any tales to tell?
Umm, Great grandparents on my moms side, and not really... Except that I am distantly related to the guy who said "Don't shoot until you see the white's of their eyes" in the Revolutionary war.
2. Who in your family are you most like? For example, do you have your father's big nose and your grandmother's lovely singing voice?
Not sure, I'm adopted.
3. Is blood thicker than water? Have you ever severed contact or drifted apart from anyone in your immediate family?
Well, having been adopted, not really. I think it's a personal thing.
4. How would you react if you learned you had a sibling (or close relative) you didn't know about? If you have experienced this, how did you react?
Been there, done that, and it's a very surreal thing. Not bad, and not necessarily good (I hope none of them take this the wrong way!), just surreal. I kind of don't aknolwedge that we're even really related until well after the fact.
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