Monday, May 15, 2006

Rain, rain, go away

I am so sick of this rain! It's enough to make a woman crazy! They said the sun may come out for a few hours on Wednesday. For the first time in almost 2 weeks, I think that will make it. There's all this crazy flooding, and I'm going nuts waiting to hear from our realtor who was supposed to put in a call to the selling agent of the house we're buying. Half of Rochester was evacuated, and we're trying to find out what, if any, damage there was to our house! It's something I think we'd be entitled to know about.
Besides, the rain is just depressing. It's so hard to get up and go to work when it's POURING out.
Anyway, I've got to go switch the laundry. Again. Just wanted to make the 2 WEEKS AND COUNTING!!!!!!!!!! post. Because I'm so excited to be in our house!!!

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