Saturday, December 31, 2005

Trans Siberian Orchestra

Gooooood Morning Livejournal Land! It hit me this morning - good stuff always happens on the days I go to see the TSO! Last year, I got engaged. This year, I got the job to start my career. It's weird! I think that just means I'll have to keep going to see them every year for the rest of my life, just to make sure that one really great thing happens to me every year!
Anyway, the concert last night was AWESOME! I wish I was allowed to take pictures, but they said that you'd get thrown out if you were caught using a camera. Since we had floor seats, there was always someone from security or someone working there so I was afraid they would catch me. Granted, I wouldn't have used a flash (it wouldn't have reached the stage anyway), but I didn't want to risk missing the concert for one picture. But even so, it was great. If you look at my photos in my Yahoo! Photo's site from last years concert, you'll get the general gist of what this years was like, as it was the same people. The flashing lights were blinding and the laser show was awesome, not to mention, my personal favorite, the "snow" that falls while the group plays "First Snow." I HIGHLY, HIGHLY recommend everyone go see the TSO. There were people of all ages at the show, and that's always nice to see.
I wish I could think of more words to describe the show, but I can't. Amazing, fantastic, incredible... those are the only three that come to mind. Deafening, that's another one ^_^. It was still awesome though.
So tonight, John and I are hitting up First Night in Portsmouth. Should be a good time. We're going with Chris and Kim, so it'll definitely be fun.
I hope everyone has a happy and safe New Year! Oh, and in case I don't see you - Good afternoon, good evening, and good night!

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