Okay, I just recently started learning about bento lunches, and finding photos of them EVERYWHERE. Now, can someone PLEASE explain to me what a bento is, and why people take pictures of them? I feel like I'm out of some really cool looking loop somewhere, and I want to know what I'm missing!
For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about,
are all examples of bento lunches. Don't they look fun? Don't they look like something every mom should know how to make because they're healthy and they're cool looking?
Someone please tell me what I'm missing out on!
It's a big part of Japanese culture, as they use a lot of sushi in their bento lunches. This is why most Americans have never heard of them. I've seen some pictures of some pretty awesome video game themed bento lunches online, and it's a good way for kids to eat healthy meals.
If you don't want to use sushi, I'm sure you could be creative enough to come up with something else that Hannah will eat when she gets older :)
Yeah, that's what I've been learning. Someone else I know likes them because of the portion control. It looks like a lot of fun, and I might have to buy some bento boxes and start making cool looking lunches for me. That way, when Hannah hits kindergarten, she'll have the coolest looking lunches in school! =)
I think they're becoming more mainstream too, because I just saw an article in a parenting magazine yesterday about how to make radish flowers, etc.
You can also use www.bentotv.com to get some really cute ideas! Jlist/Jbox also has a lot of cute books but they show samples online ;) and flickr has tons and tons and tons of groups for them.
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