What the heck? Where has the last month gone, and why is there still snow on the ground?
I am so ready for spring. I can't even begin to tell you how much. Wednesday morning was decently nice out, so Hannah and I went out side for a walk.
We enjoyed the sun and getting out of the house for a while. We didn't get to stay out long, but it sure felt good to get out and walk on the road for a little while!
Hannah fingerpainted a picture for John for Valentines day this year:

John is on vacation this week, which will be nice. If only he and I could stay healthy at the same time, which hasn't been the case at all this winter. I just got over a bout of strep throat a few weeks ago, and now am battling a cold/sinus infection. John came home from school sick yesterday, which is not good, because now neither of us will be able to get healthy this vacation. On the up side, though, Hannah has not been sick yet this winter (knock on wood), and has actually been doing really well. She's cutting her eye teeth, which is good, but it will be even better when it's all over - those are the last teeth we are waiting on for a while!
I'm still waiting on my first freelance story to be published, every month they say it will be the next month. I'm having a story published in May too, but I haven't even written that one yet. I've got to get it in by April 1st, so I need to get going on it. I have som research to do for this next one!
That's about all the news from here. Hopefully I'll actually post more often again!
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