Saturday, October 18, 2008

Live Journal Writers Block question. What are your thoughts?

Have you ever gone back and re-read a book you loved as a child only to find it incredibly disturbing now that you're an adult? Like The Giving Tree, for example: a terrifying tale of self-sacrifice or a reassuring story of maternal love?

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This question is actually incredibly disturbing to me. Having a 9 month old, I spend a lot of time reading childrens books to her, and a lot of the time, I don't take them in "that way." I think a lot of the problem comes from the general society we have now and the fact that it is acceptable to come up with things that may not intentionally be there in the first place. I think, as a whole, we need to have a reason for the way we act, and now we can blame it on the books: "The Giving Tree made me do it!"

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