Hannah is doing great! She had her two month check up on Monday, where she weighed in at 12lbs, 7oz. and measured 23 1/2 inches long! She's getting huge, and it's definitely showing! She's already outgrown two outfits. Fortunately, I just discovered the Children's Orchard down in Newington, which is my new favorite store. It's a consignment store for children's items, primarily clothes. I've gotten Hannah 4 new dresses, a shirt and a spring jacket... Okay, it's a jean jacket, and it was irrisitable! So, so cute!
Hannah is getting baptized on April 6th, which is exciting. We're having a lot of people over for a reception, pretty much all family members. The only friends that will be there are the Kokoski's, because they will be Hannah's Godparents. We've ordered them a gift, as well, because it means a lot to us that they will be her Godparents. I can't wait for it to get here! I don't want to share what it is, because I know my mom checks this, and I don't know if she's shared it with Mrs. K at all.
John is doing well, keeping busy with teaching and orchestras and the like. His school has altered the school day to compensate for number of snow days they've had this year, so now his school day is 1/2 an hour longer every day until the end of the school year. Would you believe they just had another snow day on Friday??? It's getting insane. I hope this snow stops soon.
I have some new photos of Hannah to upload, and hopefully in the next few days, I'll have some of her bedroom. I made this really neat curtain that someone shared with me the other day using ribbon. It looks really pretty, and adds a nice touch of femininity to the room. Since we didn't know if we were having a boy or a girl, the room is sort of an orange-peach color, but the pink and purple in the ribbons looks nice. I also want to share a photo of the gift Hannah got from my Aunt Donna, but I haven't gotten it hung up yet.

1 comment:
I can't believe how quickly 2 months have gone by and how much Hannah has grown. She's ADORABLE! Congrats!!
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