Monday, March 31, 2008
Pictures from Hannah's room
Well, Hannah is down for a nap right now, so I figured I'd take the opportunity to get some photos of Hannah's bedroom posted. I got a picture of the beautiful cross Hannah was given by my Aunt Donna, as well as a photo of the curtain I made for her out of the ribbon. That was an idea that Pat gave me from an article she found in Good Housekeeping. I took a look at it online, and it looked neat, and it came out pretty nice too. The pictures don't really illustrate that though. Oh well. The other photos are just pictures of her whole room, since I don't think I've shown it off since it was completed.

Saturday, March 29, 2008
Finally! Another Update!
Whew! Finally was able to grab a few minutes to update my blog! John is at a rehearsal for the Portsmouth Symphony Orchestra now, and Hannah just went down for a nap. I'm hoping she'll be out for another 1/2 an hour or so. That would be ideal. It would give me time to update this, and finish picking up the computer room.
Hannah is doing great! She had her two month check up on Monday, where she weighed in at 12lbs, 7oz. and measured 23 1/2 inches long! She's getting huge, and it's definitely showing! She's already outgrown two outfits. Fortunately, I just discovered the Children's Orchard down in Newington, which is my new favorite store. It's a consignment store for children's items, primarily clothes. I've gotten Hannah 4 new dresses, a shirt and a spring jacket... Okay, it's a jean jacket, and it was irrisitable! So, so cute!
Hannah is getting baptized on April 6th, which is exciting. We're having a lot of people over for a reception, pretty much all family members. The only friends that will be there are the Kokoski's, because they will be Hannah's Godparents. We've ordered them a gift, as well, because it means a lot to us that they will be her Godparents. I can't wait for it to get here! I don't want to share what it is, because I know my mom checks this, and I don't know if she's shared it with Mrs. K at all.
John is doing well, keeping busy with teaching and orchestras and the like. His school has altered the school day to compensate for number of snow days they've had this year, so now his school day is 1/2 an hour longer every day until the end of the school year. Would you believe they just had another snow day on Friday??? It's getting insane. I hope this snow stops soon.
I have some new photos of Hannah to upload, and hopefully in the next few days, I'll have some of her bedroom. I made this really neat curtain that someone shared with me the other day using ribbon. It looks really pretty, and adds a nice touch of femininity to the room. Since we didn't know if we were having a boy or a girl, the room is sort of an orange-peach color, but the pink and purple in the ribbons looks nice. I also want to share a photo of the gift Hannah got from my Aunt Donna, but I haven't gotten it hung up yet.

Hannah is doing great! She had her two month check up on Monday, where she weighed in at 12lbs, 7oz. and measured 23 1/2 inches long! She's getting huge, and it's definitely showing! She's already outgrown two outfits. Fortunately, I just discovered the Children's Orchard down in Newington, which is my new favorite store. It's a consignment store for children's items, primarily clothes. I've gotten Hannah 4 new dresses, a shirt and a spring jacket... Okay, it's a jean jacket, and it was irrisitable! So, so cute!
Hannah is getting baptized on April 6th, which is exciting. We're having a lot of people over for a reception, pretty much all family members. The only friends that will be there are the Kokoski's, because they will be Hannah's Godparents. We've ordered them a gift, as well, because it means a lot to us that they will be her Godparents. I can't wait for it to get here! I don't want to share what it is, because I know my mom checks this, and I don't know if she's shared it with Mrs. K at all.
John is doing well, keeping busy with teaching and orchestras and the like. His school has altered the school day to compensate for number of snow days they've had this year, so now his school day is 1/2 an hour longer every day until the end of the school year. Would you believe they just had another snow day on Friday??? It's getting insane. I hope this snow stops soon.
I have some new photos of Hannah to upload, and hopefully in the next few days, I'll have some of her bedroom. I made this really neat curtain that someone shared with me the other day using ribbon. It looks really pretty, and adds a nice touch of femininity to the room. Since we didn't know if we were having a boy or a girl, the room is sort of an orange-peach color, but the pink and purple in the ribbons looks nice. I also want to share a photo of the gift Hannah got from my Aunt Donna, but I haven't gotten it hung up yet.

Sunday, March 23, 2008
Hannah sleeps through the night!
Hannah Sleeps Through the Night
March 22, 2008
Friday, March 21, 2008
Hannah is 2 months old!
I can't believe that it's been 2 months already! Hannah is doing great, she has her checkup on Monday the 24th. Unfortunately, that check up will involve shots, but what can you do, right? I'll give Hannah a dose of Tylenol prior to the appointment.
I've had a cold the last few days, and I think it morphed into a sinus infection. I'm hoping to get in to see the doctor today for some antibiotics. I'm prone to sinus infections, so I wish I didn't have to go in, but that's the way it goes.
I went back to work on the 11th, which has been going pretty well. It's really nice when I can bring Hannah, because it's another way to relate to my clients. It makes work fun!
Finally, here are some photos of Hannah!

I've had a cold the last few days, and I think it morphed into a sinus infection. I'm hoping to get in to see the doctor today for some antibiotics. I'm prone to sinus infections, so I wish I didn't have to go in, but that's the way it goes.
I went back to work on the 11th, which has been going pretty well. It's really nice when I can bring Hannah, because it's another way to relate to my clients. It makes work fun!
Finally, here are some photos of Hannah!

Friday, March 7, 2008
Gone are the days...
...of getting to post a couple of times a week, huh? *grin*
Hannah is getting so big these days! I've got some more photos of her to put up today too. We're planning her baptism now, it will be on April 6th at the 11am mass at St. Josephs church. I'm really looking forward to it! Her godparents bought her christening gown and it arrived yesterday - it's BEAUTIFUL! I'm going to try to get a picture of it up before her baptism, but that may not happen, so we'll just have to see.
I go back to work on Tuesday, which is both exciting and scary. It will be nice to have a few days out of the house again (I'll be working Tuesday and Thursday), and I'm glad I'll be able to have Hannah with me at work too. The downside is that I'm really, really enjoying being a stay-at-home-mom. A lot. Maybe a little too much. But what can you do - it's almost impossible to survive on one income these days. And like I said, it's only 2 days a week, so that's good.
Since there isn't much going on, here are Hannah photos!
Here's Hannah enjoying a tub bath in the kitchen sink.
Here's Hannah in her bouncy seat - she really enjoys this, because it's got an automatic bouncer in it, so since she's not strong enough to bounce it yet, she still gets to bounce lightly.
And here she is having some tummy time while her daddy was home on vacation (that's who she's looking at in the photo).
Hannah is getting so big these days! I've got some more photos of her to put up today too. We're planning her baptism now, it will be on April 6th at the 11am mass at St. Josephs church. I'm really looking forward to it! Her godparents bought her christening gown and it arrived yesterday - it's BEAUTIFUL! I'm going to try to get a picture of it up before her baptism, but that may not happen, so we'll just have to see.
I go back to work on Tuesday, which is both exciting and scary. It will be nice to have a few days out of the house again (I'll be working Tuesday and Thursday), and I'm glad I'll be able to have Hannah with me at work too. The downside is that I'm really, really enjoying being a stay-at-home-mom. A lot. Maybe a little too much. But what can you do - it's almost impossible to survive on one income these days. And like I said, it's only 2 days a week, so that's good.
Since there isn't much going on, here are Hannah photos!

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