Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Miscellaneous Update

Yes, it's not time for my weekly update on where I'm at in my pregnancy, though I can tell you I had a doctors appointment this morning, and his words of wisdom were: "Well, you're pretty much at the point where we see you every week, and we sit around and wait for you to go into labor." The only thing that would change that is if there was a sudden spike in my blood pressure or something else that was concerning. So I guess that's a good thing. I am hoping labor comes sooner rather than later, for lots of reasons:

  1. I'm totally ready to meet this little baby!
  2. I am really looking forward to sharing this major life event with my amazing husband.
  3. I'm equally as ready to not be pregnant!
  4. I'm anxious to be able to work out again.

I took Kane to get his picture taken with Santa on Saturday, which was cool. He was really nervous about it though! Here's the photo of him:

I wish his eyes didn't come out so yellow. I tried to fix them in my photo editing software, but it didn't work. Oh well. He was a good boy :-)

We're really looking forward to Christmas this year! We're hosting both sides of the family on Christmas Day for dinner. It worked out wonderfully last year, despite the crowded house. It was great not having to travel, and I really enjoy entertaining, so it will be fun. I have a few last gifts to wrap, and John still has a few to pick up, but he'll be doing that tomorrow, since he is taking the day off. I will be finishing up cleaing today, and I have some last little things to bake for other people, but over all, we're pretty much ready! Now I just have to make sure the house doesn't become messy between now and then, since we both have a tendency to leave stuff laying around everywhere.

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