My Baby
This week taste buds begin to form on your baby's tongue, and he's fine-tuning his sense of touch (thanks to maturing brain cells and nerve endings). Your baby may experiment with these newfound skills by feeling his face or anything else he can get his hands on. Now weighing about a pound and almost 7.5 inches long, your baby will develop two kinds of hair in utero. The first is lanugo, a soft, downy body hair, which usually falls off before or shortly after birth. Then there's the hair on his head. He may be born with next to none -- or something completely unexpected. Towheaded couples often have babies with full heads of black hair; brunettes can have a little blond or redhead. Got great curls? Your kiddo might arrive with pin-straight hair. The locks your child is born with probably bear little resemblance to his future hair. By the time he's about 6 months old, his birth hair usually begins to fall out, to be replaced with the real deal. Look back to your and your partner's own baby pics -- they may give you a glimpse of what to expect.
This week taste buds begin to form on your baby's tongue, and he's fine-tuning his sense of touch (thanks to maturing brain cells and nerve endings). Your baby may experiment with these newfound skills by feeling his face or anything else he can get his hands on. Now weighing about a pound and almost 7.5 inches long, your baby will develop two kinds of hair in utero. The first is lanugo, a soft, downy body hair, which usually falls off before or shortly after birth. Then there's the hair on his head. He may be born with next to none -- or something completely unexpected. Towheaded couples often have babies with full heads of black hair; brunettes can have a little blond or redhead. Got great curls? Your kiddo might arrive with pin-straight hair. The locks your child is born with probably bear little resemblance to his future hair. By the time he's about 6 months old, his birth hair usually begins to fall out, to be replaced with the real deal. Look back to your and your partner's own baby pics -- they may give you a glimpse of what to expect.
Only 18 more weeks to go! I can't believe how fast this whole pregnancy thing goes by! You never believe it at the beginning when people say "Oh, it will go by so fast!" And you're thinking "Gosh, I hope not, because we have SOOOOOO much to do now!" But it all gets done, and it's great. And it all really does fly by, but that is great too, because you spend so much time getting excited for the next doctors appointment, or ultrasound, or whatever might be coming next. My next doctors appointment isn't for another 3.5 weeks, so I still have some time. Nothing too exciting happening at this one anyway. The next time I have an ultrasound scheduled, I've got to try to get it in at a time that John can come. That won't be until 28 or 32 weeks or something like that.
I started my new job yesterday, the case manager position at the homeless shelter in Stratham. So far, I really like it! I thought it was going to be tricky, because the director of the shelter and I don't always get along on a personal level (we know each other from church), so I'm hoping we can put that aside for the sake of professionalism. I'm a little nervous about bringing the baby to work when that time comes, because I am afraid that she will try to tell me how to raise the baby. But I'll cross that bridge when we get to it. I may be worried over nothing. Yesterday was a pretty basic day, I went over the case files for the families currently in the shelter, I got caught up by Pati (the director), then I moved in some of my stuff. After that, and lunch, I met briefly with the people that were there in order to set up a time to actually have a long meeting with them next week. So that was good. Pati and I had a long conversation with the one man that is in the shelter right now, because he has quite a few issues going on, and we needed to see if he could meet us halfway with some of the things that have been going on. That took probably 45 minutes right there. Then I just got to meet with the woman that does our book keeping, make a couple of phone calls and meet the outreach worker. That was really the extent of my day, but you know - if that's all it is, I can DEFINITELY handle this! I think it will be good.
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