John got to come to the ultrasound appointment this morning, which was good. I'm not sure what he thought of it, because he had to leave right after to get to work today, but I think he thought it was neat looking. He seemed amazed at watching the heart beat, and at how tiny the baby is. I think people just assume that a baby starts off large, not realizing just how small they are when they first come into being!
John will be glad to be done with school this week. His last day with the kids was on Monday, and his last teacher day is tomorrow. I start teaching summer school on Monday. I don't know what John is going to do this summer. He's talked about working at the Weathervane again, but I don't know if that will actually happen. He tried to get on the summer school staff, but that didn't work out either. He's hoping to help his coteacher with her drama camp for a couple of weeks, but she's not sure if the funds are available to pay him. I guess we'll just have to play it by ear.
I'm excited and nervous about teaching this summer. I have a meeting about summer school tonight, and I'm hoping it doesn't go late. I haven't been feeling all that well today, so the last thing I REALLY want to do is drive to Laconia tonight.
Last but not least, I leave you with photos of the blanket that Johns coworker made us!

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