Sunday, February 4, 2007

Knitting and other misc. stuff

I have one week to knit a scarf as a very belated Christmas present. John and I found out this weekend that we are getting together with my parents to celebrate Christmas with a long time family friend, and we hadn't gotten her anything! With me being out of work, we wanted to spend as little money as possible, so I agreed to knit her a scarf. After starting and frogging the whole thing about 10 times last night, because I couldn't find a pattern I wanted to do, I finally got the whole thing started with a simple knit one row, purl one row. I can't remember much about it, so I'll post some more info on it either later today or tomorrow.

This afternoon, I'm heading to the LYS to pick up some nice new yarn for a few scarves that will be my Christmas gifts to people. I'm really excited, because this will be the first time I can REALLY afford to buy some nice yarn from there to make some things for people. I can't wait!

Tonight we're having some people over for the Super Bowl. I'm not sure if my next door neighbors are going to come, because they said they may be away, but they've been home all weekend. Who knows.

Subbing has been going pretty well lately. I was called in on Tuesday and Wednesday by Laconia and on Thursday by Rochester. *Sigh.* Rochester was a bit of a nightmare. No. It was a rather large nightmare. I did, however, adore the elementary school I was at on Wednesday. Good kids, wonderful teacher (I subbed for a 1:1 para), it was just an incredibly positive experience all the way around. The middle school teacher that I subbed for a few weeks ago actually requested me for Friday of this past week, but I had a doctors appointment and couldn't go.

So, speaking of the doctors, we're looking for a new way to treat my PCOS, and now I've got to undergo all of this blood work, and possibly even a dye test. I'll have to call my insurance company to find out if it's covered or not, because I've heard of them costing anywhere between $750.00 to $1250.00. We are just not in a place where we can afford that right now, and even if it is covered, we have a $1000.00 deductible. Ouch. So we're going to try and hold off on that one.

Hope everyone has a great day!

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